Marvel at the unique landforms in Zhangye, China

The Danxia landform in Zhangye is widely distributed, spectacular, unique in shape, and colorful. It is the most typical and largest Danxia landform landscape in China's arid areas, with high scientific research and tourism value.

Binggou Danxia Scenic Area

Binggou Danxia Scenic Area is located in Sunan Yugur Autonomous County, Zhangye. It is a natural scenic area characterized by red palace-shaped Danxia landforms. Compared to the nearby Zhangye Danxia Landform Scenic Area (also known as the Rainbow Mountains), the colors of the Danxia here are relatively uniform and do not change much. However, the most distinctive feature is the unique shapes of the Danxia landforms, which come in various styles and are quite spectacular in scale. Additionally, this area was developed later, so it is less crowded and quieter compared to the Rainbow Mountains, allowing for a peaceful sightseeing experience. It is one of the 'Top Ten Geological Wonders of the World,' resembling the red planet from the depths of imagination.
The nearly upright rock layers are one wing of a fold, caused by differential weathering of the rock layers. The relatively hard brown sandstone, due to its strong resistance to weathering, remains at the top of the colorful monocline mountain. Against the backdrop of the gently sloping rock layers on the east side, from a distance, it looks like a monkey emerging from the purgatory of the mountains, sitting and watching the sea of fire, unaware of the passage of time; with golden eyes, it observes the rise and fall, witnessing the changes from seas to mulberry fields.
The towering sandstone stands upright like the ruins of an ancient castle, abruptly standing on the ground, known as the 'Little Potala Palace.' This shape developed under the combined effects of water erosion and wind erosion. Due to the varying hardness of the rock, differential wind erosion occurred, resulting in many layered mounds with relative heights of 10 to 30 meters, forming a fantastical castle shape. Due to the arid climate, there is not much vegetation covering the rocks, making them appear more rugged and wild.

Qicai Danxia Scenic Area

Danxia landform belongs to the red layer landform, which refers to the red sandstone that has been weathered and eroded by water over a long period of time, forming isolated peaks and steep, strange rocks. It is a general term for various Danxia peaks developed along vertical joints in thick red sandstone and conglomerate layers, mainly developed in the horizontal or gently inclined red strata from the Jurassic to the Tertiary period. This landform is most typical in Danxia Mountain in northern Guangdong, hence the name Danxia landform.

Danxia National Geopark - Sightseeing Bus Stop

Take the sightseeing bus to Danxia National Geopark to enjoy the spectacular scenery.