Travel guide to Bai Ta Temple in Wuwei, Gansu

The White Pagoda Temple, established during the Western Xia period, is a famous scenic spot in Wuwei. A major historical event occurred there, which led to Tibet being incorporated into the territory of our country.

Stone tablet of the Liangzhou Alliance Meeting

In history, there was the "Liangzhou meeting" and the "Mianning meeting", which were significant events in Chinese history. The negotiations decided that Tibet would officially become an administrative region directly under the central government of the Yuan Dynasty, marking Tibet's incorporation into the territory of the motherland. This has extremely important significance in the formation of our multi-ethnic country. The religious leader of Tibet, Sabine, held talks with the Mongol Yuan representatives and the commander of the Western Army, Kuoduan. The Bai Ta Temple in Wuwei is a witness to Tibet's inclusion in China for over 700 years.

Master Saban

Entering the gate of the scenic area, a golden statue of Saban stands tall in the center of the Wheel Square... Saban can be called a legend in the Indo-Tibetan region. It is said that at the age of 9, he could recite scriptures, at 18, he could study the "Abhidharmakosha," at 23, he became a scholar of the "Yantrayana" and "Panchapitaka," and at 24, he wrote the "Tattva-samgraha" and "Tri-lakshanamulakalambanavada," breaking the "heretical views" of that time. Saban's reputation spread across India, and six great scholars from southern India, such as Chokyi Gyaltsen, came to Tibet to criticize Buddhism. Through a 13-day debate, Saban won with his sharp intelligence and debating skills. Saban and others were convinced and became his students, and Saban's fame spread throughout India and Tibet. At the age of only 35, he was elected as the head of Sakya Monastery (Sakyapa Dharma Palace). In the history of Tibetan Buddhist literature, Saban's works and the sayings of the Sakya lineage have occupied an important position.

Sabah Al-Nur Tower

Linggu Bai Ta is a kind of Tibetan Lama Tower, symbolizing the commemoration of Saban. After the completion of Linggu Bai Ta, the fifth generation ancestor of the Sakya lineage, Basiba (later became the national teacher of the Yuan Dynasty), personally presided over the ceremony of enlightening and calming the mind. Since then, Donghuanhua Temple has been renamed White Tower Temple. Basiba inherited Saban's mantle and continued to preside over the temple, building more than fifty small towers. According to the inscription of the "Restoration of Liangzhou White Tower Temple" in the fifth year of the Ming Xuan De era (1430), the Emperor's teacher Saban lived there, and after his passing, a large tower was built, 100 feet tall. Subsequently, every good man and woman who came here to worship from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Mongolian grassland would have to pay homage to the Buddha at the top of the tower.

Forest of Hundred Towers

There are ninety-nine small white pagodas surrounding the area, forming the Tower Forest. Therefore, the White Pagoda is called the Hundred Pagoda Temple. According to the "Wuwei County Annals": "There is a large pagoda inside the White Pagoda Temple, surrounded by ninety-nine small pagodas" ... The hundred Tibetan-style pagodas, restored according to their original historical appearance, are distributed in a fan shape, with various heights and diverse shapes.

Sapang Linggo Tower

After leaving Tallinn, continue forward until you reach a courtyard. This is the actual location of the Saban Linggu Tower. Obviously, only the remnants of the tower's foundation remain now... After the silence of the White Tower Monastery, Kuan Yuan built a 16-story tower with a height of over 40 meters, surrounded by a white tower over 60 meters tall, where Saban's remains were buried in the tower.