Two Lakes and One Stele, A pristine paradise of wildlife and grandeur

The scenery is very beautiful


Erling Lake, Zhalang Lake, and Niu Tou Bei are three major scenic spots located in the Two Lakes region at the source of the Yellow River. This area is located in Maduo County, north of the Bayankala Mountains and west of the Animaqin Mountains, and is the source of the Yellow River. Due to its plateau continental semi-humid climate and suitable climatic conditions, the rivers here are crisscrossed, with vast grasslands and extremely rich wildlife and plant resources. Maduo County is a place with the reputation of "A County of Thousands of Lakes" and has more than 4,000 lakes of various sizes, making it a fertile pasture with abundant water and grass. Erling Lake and Zhalang Lake have been included in the International Important Wetlands List. Niu Tou Bei is located at the top of Cuorigeze Mountain, at an altitude of 4610 meters. The monument is 3 meters high and the base is 2 meters high, made of copper plate casting and inlaid. The unique monument-style font is bold, symbolizing the ancient history and hardworking character of the Chinese nation.
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