Amazing! It was praised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs! Challenging Tibet, comparable to Xinjiang, but often overlooked

I'll show you a stunning place. It is a province with the lowest presence in the western region, overshadowed by popular destinations such as Xinjiang and Tibet. Little do people know that it hides many unknown wonders, with forests and lakes rivaling Switzerland, temple culture surpassing even Tibet, and a heavenly landscape comparable to Bolivia. This low-key, beautiful province is Qinghai. In November last year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs promoted Qinghai globally, allowing people from all over the world to see this pearl of the west.

Qinghai Lake

Every year in July and August, Qinghai Lake is at its most beautiful. The fields of rapeseed flowers blooming around the lake, the blue-green lake water, and the yaks that can be seen everywhere are all so beautiful that you can't take your eyes off them. In addition to the rapeseed flowers, there are also cows, sheep, and colorful wildflowers everywhere, adorning the entire lake. You can go horseback riding, cycling around the lake, or strolling along the lakeshore, all of which are incredibly appealing.
No need to go to Bolivia, there is a similar 'Sky Mirror' in China. Every summer, Chaka Salt Lake becomes so beautiful that people linger and forget to leave. On clear days, reflections appear on the lake surface. Standing on it, you can see the reflection of the sky, which is particularly beautiful, as if walking among colorful clouds, dreamy and charming. It is recommended to wear a dark-colored dress for photos, which will look incredibly ethereal and beautiful no matter how you take them! You can also take a small train on the salt lake to slowly enjoy the enchanting and dreamy scenery, capturing the picturesque landscape.
If you find Qinghai Lake too mainstream, why not take a look at this emerald lake in the mountains? It is little known and still retains its most pristine beauty. Due to the different concentrations of minerals, the lake water presents various colors such as dark green, emerald green, yellow, and blue, creating beautiful pictures. Walking into the lake, you can deeply feel the sensation of being surrounded by blue skies, white clouds, snow-capped peaks, and the dreamy, colorful lake water. This moment truly makes it unforgettable for a lifetime.

Chaka Salt Lake

Chaka Salt Lake is beautifully understated, overshadowed by the nearby Chaka Salt Lake. It is the largest mirror of the sky in China, equivalent to 56 Chaka Salt Lakes, and much quieter than Chaka Salt Lake. This place is sparsely populated, with no green grass or living creatures, but it is adorned with crystal-clear salt flowers, making the salt lake look like a fairyland, very romantic. When you come to Chaka, you can drive yourself to experience its spectacular ten-thousand-foot salt bridge, covered with thick layers of salt along the way, leaving countless tourists in awe!

Kanbula National Forest Park

Kanbula is known as the greatest hidden gem of Qinghai, with few people and stunning scenery. It combines Danxia landforms, mountains, peak forests, cliffs, temples, and the Yellow River, creating a landscape of clear waters and red mountains that leaves visitors in awe. Here, you can find the fairyland of Yaochi. You can hike to the highest point, enjoy the view of the unique rock formations, and experience the beauty of the lakes and mountains. No filters are needed; every shot with your camera is a picturesque scene!

Zhuo'er Mountain Scenic Area

Zhuo'er Mountain and Niu Xin Mountain are the guardians of the Qilian Mountains, protecting the mountains and waters of Qilian. Standing at the top of the mountain, you can get a panoramic view of the blue sky of Zhuo'er Mountain and the glacier of Niu Xin Mountain. When you reach the top, you will be amazed by the stunning scenery of the two mountains: the rolling hills, the white snow peaks, the lush forests, the red Danxia landforms, and the rugged rocks. It is no wonder that the locals call it the 'Little Switzerland of the East'.

Kunlun Mountains

Kunlun Mountain is the first sacred mountain in China, spanning Xinjiang and Qinghai. It has always been mysterious and desirable. Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you feel the awe-inspiring majesty of the snow-capped mountains. On both sides of the Kunlun Mountain Pass, there are Yuxu Peak and Yuxian Peak, both over 6000 meters above sea level. They are covered in snow all year round and shrouded in mist, creating the famous Kunlun June Snow spectacle.

Animaqing Snow Mountain

Animaqing is the largest national geological park in China in terms of glacier area. Its main peak is Maqinggang. The closer you get, the more you can feel the awe of the snow mountain. In front of the glacier are dense prayer flags, adorning the entire icy wonderland, making people enchanted. It is a famous sacred mountain on the snowy plateau, revered by the Tibetan people as one of the nine great creation gods who opened up the world. It exudes a mysterious and unconquerable aura, attracting countless tourists to come for devout pilgrimage.

Qinghai Hoh Xil National Nature Reserve

Hoh Xil is one of the largest uninhabited areas in China, known as the 'Forbidden Zone of Life'. Here you can see endless deserts, grasslands, countless lakes, and rare Tibetan antelopes, wild yaks, eagles, and more. The scenery along the way is breathtaking, offering surprises every minute and every second. You can climb the snow mountain viewing platform and slowly appreciate this mysterious and vast land! The blue sky, white clouds, and snow scenery are unmatched by any other place, together forming the most spectacular wild landscape.

Menyuan Rapeseed Flower Sea

Every mid-July, 500,000 acres of rapeseed flowers in Menyuan bloom together, creating a magnificent spectacle. It is bordered by the Qilian Mountains to the north, starting from Yong'an City in the west, extending to Yulongtan in the east, and neighboring Daban Mountain to the south, stretching for hundreds of kilometers like a golden sea. The endless golden sea of flowers, set against the blue sky and snow-capped mountains, interspersed with distant mountains, nearby waters, and village homes, looks like a beautiful oil painting. Every snapshot you take is a masterpiece!
Qilian Mountain Grassland has been rated as one of the six most beautiful grasslands in China by 'Chinese National Geography'. In summer, the water and grass are abundant, and you can see cattle and sheep when the wind blows the grass low. In winter, it presents a different scene, with snow covering the grassland, creating a picturesque view like that of Snow White. Here, you can run freely on the grassland, ride horses, and feel the summer breeze. In the evening, you can also enjoy the enchanting sunset, which is simply blissful!
Ta'er Monastery is one of the six major monasteries of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism in China, with a history of over 600 years. Built along the mountain, it is a magnificent architectural complex composed of various palaces, scripture halls, and stupas. It is the most worldly place of faith in Qinghai, attracting many devout pilgrims. The butter sculptures, murals, and appliqué embroidery in the monastery are known as the three wonders of Ta'er Monastery, showcasing unique ethnic styles. It's a must-visit!
Arou Temple is the largest tent temple in the world. Compared to Ta'er Monastery, Arou Temple is more niche and tranquil. There are almost no signs of commercialization here, and the people are more simple and devout. Its architectural style is very unique, combining the style of Tibetan Buddhist monasteries with Han-style palaces, making it very eye-catching. There is also a 'Chinese version of Inari Shrine' here. The long corridor of prayer wheels at the temple entrance is perfect for photography, and every shot looks amazing!

Xining Dongguan Mosque

Xining Dongguan Grand Mosque is one of the four major mosques in the northwest region, rich in Islamic culture. It is an authentic Arab-style building with beautiful dougong and domes, showcasing symmetrical beauty to the fullest. The entire mosque is pure white, making it perfect for photography. Those who don't know might think you went to Dubai!

Qinghai-Tibet Railway

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, known as the 'Sky Road,' is the highest and longest plateau railway in the world. Xining is the starting point of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, and the entire train is decorated in a Tibetan style. Along the way, you can enjoy highland pastures, snow-capped mountains, lakes, and uninhabited areas, as if watching a movie, with each frame breathtakingly beautiful! Experiencing the Qinghai-Tibet Railway is a must in a lifetime, and those who have taken it say it is unforgettable.

Qinghai-Tibet Highway

The Qinghai-Tibet Highway is the safest self-driving route to Tibet, making it very suitable for first-time visitors. Starting from Xining, you will traverse mountains and ridges, experience the desolation of uninhabited areas, witness the vicissitudes of nature, and finally enter the sacred land of Tibet.