Riyue Mountain, A Natural Boundary of Civilizations

Riyue Mountain Village, Huangyuan County, Xining City, Qinghai Province
The scenery seen from a high place is very spectacular


Located on the boundary between the monsoon and non-monsoon regions of China, Riyue Mountain is a natural boundary between the internal and external river basins of Qinghai Province. The mountain is red in color and was known as the "red ridge" in ancient times, while in Tibetan and Mongolian, it means the sun and the moon. It is said that Princess Wencheng threw a treasure mirror on two small mountains, with the east side reflecting the sunset and the west side reflecting the rising moon, thus giving Riyue Mountain its name. The scenery on the eastern side of Riyue Mountain is like that of Jiangnan, while the western side is a grassland where cows and sheep roam in groups, giving people a sense of the vast grassland atmosphere. The difference in scenery on both sides is extremely rare in China.
Riyue Mountain Village, Huangyuan County, Xining City, Qinghai Province
Opening hours
09:00-17:00 (all day)
last admission time: 17:00 (Monday-Sunday) 07:00-20:00 (all day)
last admission time: 19:00 (Monday-Sunday)
Take a bus from Xinning Road Bus Station in Xining to Huangyuan County, and then take the No. 708 bus to the Riyue Township Government (bus stop). After arriving at Riyue Township, take local transportation to reach Riyue Mountain.