Guide National Geopark, A Palette of Geology and Culture

Ashong Village, Gareng Township, Guide County, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province
I feel the Danxia landforms outside the scenic area


The Guide National Geological Park is usually referred to as the Ashgongxia Seven-color Peak Forest Scenic Area developed as a fee-based tourist attraction. Within the scenic area, visitors can marvel at the seven danxia canyons, each with its own unique colors and shapes. Visitors need to purchase tickets to enter the scenic area, but they can also choose to enjoy the beautiful scenery on the S101 provincial road and stop to take pictures at any time. The entire geological park is not too large, about 1-2 kilometers from the entrance to the deep end, and visitors can take sightseeing cars for transportation.
Ashong Village, Gareng Township, Guide County, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province
Opening hours
08:30-18:00 (all day)
Last admission: 18:00 (Monday-Sunday from March 1st to October 7th) 09:20-17:00 (all day)
Last admission: 17:00 (Monday-Sunday from October 8th to February 28th of the following year)
Guiden National Geological Park is located about 17 kilometers northeast of Guiden County and about 70 kilometers from Xining city. You can charter a car from Xining to visit the park and return within a day for around 500 yuan. Alternatively, you can drive to the park via S101 from either Xining or Guiden County.