Pingshan Lake Grand Canyon, Awe-inspiring natural masterpiece

Near Pingshanhu Village, Ganzhou District, Zhangye City, Gansu Province
Canyon trekking is very exciting


The Pingshanhu Grand Canyon Scenic Area is located about 60 kilometers from the city center of Zhangye. The canyon is deep and the peaks are unique. Nature has depicted the colorful mountains in an unparalleled and stunning landscape. The steep cliffs and grand mountain vistas make the canyon extraordinarily dangerous. It has been praised by "Journal of Chinese Geography" and well-known geologists and tourists as a new Silk Road destination comparable to Zhangjiajie in China and the Grand Canyon in the United States! Once you step into this maze-like canyon, pass through cross-cutting valleys, and immerse yourself in the lush mountains, you will feel as if you are interacting with the creations of world architectural masters, such as the well-designed towers, grand palaces, lifelike generals, sea turtles, and sailing ships... The statues formed by birds and beasts are particularly rare in the world due to their large viewing area and strong effects.
Near Pingshanhu Village, Ganzhou District, Zhangye City, Gansu Province
Opening hours
08:30-17:30 (all day)
last entry at 17:30 (Monday-Sunday from November 1 to the following March 31) 08:00-18:00 (all day)
last entry at 18:00 (Monday-Sunday from April 1 to October 31)
Zhangye Car West Station to Pingshan Lake, ticket price is 14 yuan/person, departure time is 9:45. Return journey waits for boarding at the intersection of Pingshanhu Road, ticket price is 14 yuan/person, and return time is 16:40. (PS: There is only one bus round trip per day. Be sure not to miss the time and remember to leave the driver's phone number for easy contact. Return tickets can be purchased on the outbound journey, and the ticket seller will mark it on the ticket.)