Visit Hulunbuir, taste the delicious cuisine of the grasslands

The vast grassland of Hulunbuir is a "green paradise" and also known as the "northern jade". Drinking a bowl of rich butter tea, watching the clear sky and floating white clouds, how can we find the characteristic cuisine of Hulunbuir? Let me help introduce some.

Grassland Restaurant

The fresh lamb here all comes from the Hulunbuir Grassland. It is tender and smooth, rich in nutrients, and is considered top-quality lamb. The meat rolls made with traditional craftsmanship are sliced thinly, with each pound of lamb yielding hundreds of slices. The pot is filled with boiled meat broth, accompanied by some seafood, and then the sliced lamb is added to the pot. After cooking, dip it in the local specialty leek sauce. The taste is delicious and the aftertaste is long-lasting.

Junxiangyuan Health Theme Hotpot

Junxiangyuan is really popular. By around five o'clock in the afternoon, there are no seats left. However, this restaurant is very user-friendly. You can get a number and wait for your turn in the waiting area, where you can access the internet and enjoy fruits, popcorn, and shrimp chips. Additionally, the fresh lamb here comes from the Hulunbuir Grassland and is extremely delicious.

Nuomintala Milk Tea House

For a long time, for us Mongolians, milk tea is not just a beverage; it is a cultural heritage and an emotion. The tea leaves in the pot are mainly cooked using traditional methods. Simply add dried meat, cheese, milk skin, etc., and cook while eating. During meals, put the milk tea in a bowl, add milk tofu, fried rice, and then add butter. The more you fry, the softer it gets, and the softer the dried tofu soaks, the better it tastes. Adding some Mongolian fruits, steak, etc., when drinking makes it more authentic.

Lubri Western Restaurant

Russian-style Western cuisine is not as luxurious as one might imagine; instead, it appears particularly simple and natural. The most famous Russian-style restaurant in Hulunbuir is in Manzhouli. Manzhouli is located on the China-Russia border and is also China's largest land port. There are many Russians here, and Russian-style Western cuisine has long become one of the local specialties. Handsome Russian young men and blonde Russian young women are busy around you, and there are occasionally wonderful performances. The most important thing is the food: crispy and tender pickles, delicious Russian-style meat skewers, golden potato chips, creamy desserts, and Russians especially love to drink post-meal black tea, particularly the Russian-style fruit-flavored black tea, which looks very familiar.

Qijianfang Whole Lamb Restaurant

A traditional food on the Hulunbuir Grassland, and also the favorite and most commonly eaten food by the grassland herders. Hand-grabbed meat generally refers to lamb, as the name implies, it is eaten by hand. When you come to the grassland, besides galloping on horseback, tasting the authentic hand-grabbed lamb here is an essential activity. In people's minds, only by tasting such food can one truly feel they have arrived at the grassland, making the trip worthwhile.