How many of the 16 most worthwhile attractions in Qinghai Province have you visited?

Qing is a shorthand for Qinghai province, known as the source of the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Lancang River, and referred to as the "Origin of Rivers" and the "Water Tower of China". It is named after the largest inland saltwater lake in China, Qinghai Lake. The natural scenery of Qinghai is unique and magnificent, characteristic of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with many scenic spots and historic sites featuring ancient tombs, temples, rock paintings, and forts.

Qinghai Lake

Located in the northeastern part of Qinghai Province, spanning the counties of Haiyan, Gangcha, and Gonghe in the Haibei and Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefectures, Qinghai Lake Basin is the largest inland and saltwater lake in China. Bird Island, located in the western part of the lake, covers an area of 0.11 square kilometers and is a habitat and breeding ground for more than 10 species of birds, including bar-headed geese, fish gulls, and cormorants.
Chaka Town, Wulan County, located in the eastern part of the Qaidam Basin in Qinghai, is an important port on the ancient Silk Road. The lake and mountain scenery is picturesque and beautiful.
Located in Lusha'er Town, Huangzhong County, 25 kilometers southwest of Xining City, Qinghai Province. It is the birthplace of Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, and a center for Buddhist activities in the northwest region. It is one of the six famous Lama monasteries in China (the other five are Sera Monastery, Drepung Monastery, Tashilhunpo Monastery, Ganden Monastery in Tibet, and Labrang Monastery in Gansu).

Hoh Xil Lake

Located in the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in the southwestern part of Qinghai, it is one of the most perfectly preserved areas of primitive ecological environment in the world. It is also one of the largest, highest-altitude, and most wildlife-rich nature reserves in China.

Chaka Salt Lake

Located in the Qaidam Basin in the western part of Qinghai, it is the largest salt lake in China. The lake stretches over 160 kilometers from east to west and is 20-40 kilometers wide from north to south. The salt layer is about 2-20 meters thick, covering an area of 5800 square kilometers at an altitude of 2670 meters. The lake contains over 50 billion tons of sodium chloride, enough to supply people around the world for 1000 years. A 32-kilometer-long highway and railway cross the salt lake, traversing a 'Ten-Thousand-Fathom Salt Bridge' that floats on the brine.

Kanbula National Forest Park

Kanbula Scenic Area is a tourist destination that integrates a forest park, typical Danxia landforms, a large modern power station, religious culture, and ethnic customs. The lake and mountain scenery complement each other, and the religious and ethnic customs enhance each other. It is a unique and valuable tourism resource of Huangnan Prefecture.


Located at the border of Qinghai and Aba in Sichuan, Nianbaoyuze is a sacred mountain on the Guoluo grassland in Qinghai. It is renowned for its layered peaks, silver snow ridges, thunder in severe winter, flying snow in midsummer, wind and stone sounds, and brilliant moon and stars. The main peak has an altitude of 5369 meters.
Located in Menyuan County, Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, it is a major oil-producing area in Qinghai Province and the northwest region. As a result, the rapeseed flowers here have become a beautiful man-made landscape, which is quite spectacular.