Eat, drink and have fun like a local in Chengdu

Chengdu, it is truly worthy of being called the "Land of Abundance." Here, you can find beautiful women and delicious hot pot. Let me show you how to explore Chengdu just like a local!

Jinli is right next to Wuhou Shrine, which is the outskirts of Wuhou Shrine. It is a great place for a stroll after a satisfying meal. In Jinli, it would be a pity if you don't try the local snacks. Some of the famous ones are buckwheat noodles, San Da Pao, beef pancake, fermented rice liquor, sugar-coated Chinese doughnuts, etc. The sweet water noodles, cold noodles, and braised dishes are also delicious. There is also a stall selling deep-fried stinky tofu and potatoes, as well as Zhang Fei beef, a famous snack from Sichuan, produced in Langzhong, Sichuan. It has a black appearance, but the inside is the authentic taste of beef, mixed with special spices, giving it a unique flavor.
June to August is the peak season for panda births. If you're lucky, you can witness the birth of panda cubs in the maternity den. Pandas usually wake up around 7 a.m. and are most active between 7-9 a.m. This is the best time to see them outdoors and capture great photos. After noon, pandas become lethargic and usually return to their villas to sleep after eating. So make sure to come early in the morning to catch them in their active state and avoid the tourist crowds.
Decades ago, this was an electronic factory. Now it has been transformed into a cultural hub. With numerous chimneys, machine tools, trains, and airplanes mixed with modern symbols, it gives off a strong nostalgic vibe. There are many cultural elements here, such as cinemas, theaters, performance halls, art exhibitions, mobile music, and a wide variety of cozy bars and restaurants. It's a bit like Beijing's 798, but with a stronger industrial atmosphere. It's a great place to read, enjoy tea, take a nap, and take photos!
Why is U37 Creative Warehouse called a warehouse? Because it used to be a warehouse and factory for the Chengdu Pharmaceutical Group. The buildings here were mostly constructed in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, with distinct features of the time. The greeneries in the U37 park are well-preserved, just like its rich historical background. With trees and vines covering the buildings, it is a peaceful place in the midst of hustle and bustle.
Wenshu Monastery has a history of over 1,000 years. It is a lush place with architecture mainly in the style of Sichuan Plain, characterized by wooden structures. It is considered one of the four major Zen Buddhist monasteries along the Yangtze River. Stepping inside, one's heart naturally calms down, even in the hot summer, a hint of coolness can be felt. It's perhaps true that a calm mind brings a natural coolness!