Zhangye Danxia National Geological Park, A Palette of Nature's Masterpiece

Nantaizi Village, Nijiaying, Linze County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province
The Zhangye Danxia Landform is located within the territory of Linze


This is a unique landscape in China, composed of Danxia landform and colorful hills, and was rated as one of the seven most beautiful Danxia landforms in China by "Chinese National Geographic". There are mainly two scenic spots: Binggou Danxia and Qicai Danxia. The rocks are composed of red gravel, sandstone, and mudstone, with various shapes and magnificent momentum. Many famous works were also filmed in the scenic area, such as Zhang Yimou's "A Woman, a Gun and a Noodle Shop", Jiang Wen's "Let the Bullets Fly", and the TV drama "Detective Di Renjie". In addition, it is also a paradise for photography enthusiasts, and many people bring photography equipment to the scenic area to find opportunities for shooting. If you plan to visit again the next day, you need to explain to the ticket seller and stamp a ticket for the next day, otherwise you will need to buy another ticket when entering the next day.
Nantaizi Village, Nijiaying, Linze County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province
Opening hours
07:30-17:00 (All day)
Last admission: 17:00 (November 1 to February 28, Monday-Sunday) 06:30-18:00 (All day)
Last admission: 18:00 (March 1 to April 27, Monday-Sunday) 05:30-18:30 (All day)
Last admission: 18:30 (April 28 to May 31, Monday-Sunday) 06:30-18:00 (All day)
Last admission: 18:00 (August 30 to October 31, Monday-Sunday)
There is a shuttle bus directly from Zhangye Bus Station to Danxia Geological Park, with a frequency of one trip every hour from 9:00 to 12:00, and one trip each at 15:30 and 16:30. The entrance to Linge Danxia is from the west, and the entrance to Sunan Danxia is from the east. Within the Linge management area, there are sightseeing cars available to the four observation decks inside the park. *The operating time of the vehicles is for reference only, please refer to the actual disclosure on the day.