The taste of Teochew cuisine hidden in Shenzhen, a memory in the heart of local people

Struggling in Shenzhen, still nostalgic for hometown delicacies. Though Shenzhen has various delicious dishes from all over the place, if you are a Chaoshan native, you can still enjoy local cuisine.

Shenyun Chaozhou Porridge

Casserole porridge with prawn, with the detail of removing the prawn's vein being heartwarming. The porridge is of a thin consistency, served with doubanjiang (fermented bean paste) and preserved vegetables. It is fresh, rich, and delicious, leaving a lingering fragrance in your mouth with every bite.

Chao Wei Yi Pin Shantou Beef Hotpot

A genuine Chaoshan hotpot restaurant in Shenzhen. Every time I go, I see many Chaozhou people reserving tables and hear the familiar Chaoshan dialect, giving a sense of belonging.

Chao Ming Xing Rice Noodle Roll King

The rice noodle rolls in the store are made and sold on the spot. The first choice is the mixed pork rice noodle roll, which is fully loaded with ingredients. The rice noodle roll is very thin, smooth, and delicious. The sauce has just the right amount of saltiness, and the meat is well-marinated.

Shantou Baheli Haiji Beef Restaurant

Once featured in 'Chef Nic', a beef restaurant specially sought out by Nicholas Tse. This Chaozhou-Shantou beef restaurant is extremely popular in Shenzhen, whether for hot pot or barbecue.

Jieyang Lao Er Guotiao Soup

An old Chaozhou-Shantou restaurant that has been open for 18 years in Shenzhen. Upon entering, you can order local Chaozhou-Shantou snacks and delicacies. A bowl of authentic Guotiao soup can alleviate the homesickness of many travelers.

Riri Xiang Goose Meat

No goose can leave Guangdong alive. This is the authentic Chaoshan flavor. Has everyone tried it? Specializing in goose for over ten years, they bring the deliciousness of braised goose meat to the extreme.

Tianwei Chaoshan Licorice Fruits

Chaoshan cuisine is not just about meat; refreshing and sweet fruits are also very popular. Licorice fruits are a hit on the streets and alleys of Chaoshan, a unique delicacy known to all Chaoshan people.