Shenzhen's landmarks are stunningly beautiful for taking photos

Many modern buildings have become popular tourist attractions in recent years, attracting a large number of people to visit and take photos. These places are not just popular spots, but also architectural masterpieces that are filled with the effort of designers. Hurry up and go take a look!

Contemporary Art and Urban Planning Museum

The architecture of the Contemporary Art Museum is very distinctive. From any angle, both inside and outside the museum, you can easily take stunning photos. I personally think it is very worth a visit.

Civic Center Night View

Shenzhen Civic Center hosts a large-scale light show. You can walk from the Contemporary Art Museum to the Civic Square. This platform is located in the middle of the building that resembles a giant bird spreading its wings, as shown in the picture above. It is the best place to watch the night light show, aside from Lianhua Mountain. By just after six o'clock, it is already crowded with people.
Shenzhen University is acclaimed as one of the top ten most beautiful universities in the country. The campus is full of scenic spots, and the newly established Science and Engineering Building in the South Campus has recently become an internet sensation. Its unique architecture attracts many people who come specifically to take photos.

Shenzhen Software Industry Base

The base features many peculiar and modern buildings. Walking through the base feels like traversing a scene from a sci-fi movie.

Hua Art Museum

Hua Art Museum, with an appearance similar to the 'Water Cube', has a biomimetic shape resembling a beehive, hence it is also called the 'Hive'. The museum is transformed from an old factory, with hexagonal steel structures overlapping to form a glass curtain wall that creates an independent skin outside the old building. This design retains the history and significance of the past architecture under the avant-garde exterior.
Shenzhen UpperHills is truly a great place! There are things to eat on the first floor, clothes to buy on the second floor, and photos to take on the third floor. UpperHills is definitely worth visiting for photography, with many spots to capture. The colorful three-dimensional architecture on the fourth floor reminds me a bit of a mini version of Monument Valley, making it a fantastic place for photos! Just wear bright solid-colored clothes and go have fun with friends.

Sea World Culture and Arts Center

Sea World was originally a luxury cruise ship built by France, formerly named ANCEVELLER, constructed by the famous French Chantiers de l'Atlantique shipyard. Sea World 'Minghua' has a total of 9 floors, mainly operating hotels, large theme bars, and themed restaurants from various countries. The Sea World Culture and Arts Center serves as a hub for spreading culture and information.