Don't be a "passerby" anymore. Kunming practical guide

We may have passed by here because of travel, or stayed here for a day or two. Whenever we mention this place, we would say that we know it, but when someone asks us in detail, we don't know where to start. So, let's not be "passers-by" anymore.

Dianchi Lake

Dianchi Lake, also known as Kunming Lake, is the largest freshwater lake in Yunnan. It is adjacent to Daguan Park and faces Xishan Forest Park and Yunnan Nationalities Village across the water. The willows sway gently, and a breeze caresses the shore. Strolling along the scenic road on the eastern shore of Dianchi Lake, you can enjoy a leisurely walk by the lake. In winter, you can see locals feeding the red-billed gulls. The red-billed gulls stay in Kunming from late October to mid-March of the following year. After walking along the scenic road, you can visit Yunnan Nationalities Village on the north side of Haigeng Park to experience the diverse ethnic cultures of Yunnan Province. Additionally, you can take a boat tour to enjoy the scenery of Dianchi Lake from Daguan Park at the northern end of the lake. There are many types of boats available, with prices generally around tens of yuan.
Yunnan Ethnic Village features residential buildings in the style of natural villages, integrating garden landscapes, beautiful waters, and green trees. The park includes 25 ethnic minority villages such as Dai, Bai, Yi, and Jingpo, each showcasing different customs and craft performances. Among them, the Dai Village and Yi Village are the most worth visiting. The Yi Village also features unique Yi-style earth houses, distilleries, and cultural buildings. During ethnic festivals like the Water Splashing Festival and Torch Festival, lively celebrations are held in the scenic area.
Kunming Green Lake Park was once a bay in Dianchi Lake, but later became a clear lake due to the drop in water level. It is one of the most beautiful parks in the city and is known as the 'Jade in the City'. The park is divided into five scenic areas by Ruan Dike and Tang Dike: the Lake Heart Island Scenic Area features Qing Dynasty buildings such as the Lake Heart Pavilion and the Fish Viewing Tower; the southeast area has Shuiyue Pavilion and Goldfish Island; the northeast area has Bamboo Forest Island and Nine Dragon Pool; the south area has Gourd Island and Nine-Curved Bridge; and the west area has Haixin Pavilion. Every winter, thousands of red-billed gulls from the north come to Green Lake to spend the winter, frolicking in the water and competing for food, adding endless charm to the park.
Yunnan University boasts beautiful scenery, with attractions such as Huize Courtyard and Yingqiu Courtyard worth visiting. Particularly notable is the famous Ginkgo Avenue, one of the most beautiful sights on campus. Upon entering the campus from the south gate, you will encounter 95 steps, symbolizing the 'supreme authority.' Behind Huize Courtyard is the Zhigong Hall, a typical Chinese-style building with red columns and intricate carvings, currently serving as the university's main auditorium. To the east, there is a row of relatively low houses, which were examination halls during the imperial examination era, known as the 'Gongyuan.'

Yunnan Military Academy

The former site of Yunnan Military Academy is located on Cuihu West Road in downtown Kunming, adjacent to Cuihu Park and Yunnan University. Visitors usually tour these three places together. The academy was founded in 1909 and was initially known as one of the three major military academies in the country. Many outstanding military and revolutionary figures, such as Zhu De and Ye Jianying, were once students here. The building of the former site is well-preserved and is an elegant yellow building in the style of the Republic of China. It is very photogenic on sunny days. The interior of the building is open as an exhibition hall, featuring the large classroom (auditorium), the armory, and long-term fixed exhibitions showcasing the history of the academy, the 99 Uprising, and the National Protection Movement.
Jinma Biji Archway is located at the intersection of Sanshi Street and Jinbi Road in Kunming. It was first built during the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty and is now a landmark and city center of Kunming, as well as one of the symbols of the city. The vast majority of tourists visiting Kunming will come here to take photos with the archway and casually stroll around the area. At night, the surrounding streets often host bustling night markets where you can choose your favorite items from street vendors or enjoy a feast at various food stalls.

Dounan Flower Market

Located on the east bank of Dianchi Lake in Kunming, Dounan is known as 'Golden Dounan'. The Dounan Flower Market has now developed into 'the largest fresh cut flower trading market in China and even Asia', and is a famous flower city. The Dounan Flower Market accounts for 70% of the market share in more than 80 large and medium-sized cities across the country, and exports to 46 countries and regions. It is said that '7 out of 10 fresh cut flowers in the country come from Yunnan'. Hundreds of varieties of flowers fill the aisles, making it a paradise for flower enthusiasts.
Guandu Ancient Town is one of the famous historical and cultural ancient towns in Kunming. It was already a prosperous commercial and handicraft town during the Ming and Qing dynasties. During the Tang Dynasty, 'Wodong' (now Guandu) was an ideal resting place for the nobility of the Nanzhao and Dali Kingdoms when they visited Dianchi Lake. The ancient town is rich in cultural landscapes, featuring five mountains, six temples, seven pavilions, and eight shrines. Various shops are bustling and complete. Whether it is the tower base, carvings, or Buddha statues in the niches, the craftsmanship is meticulous and lifelike. The local specialty food is Guandu Baba, known locally as Mai Baba. The most famous is the 'Eyeglasses Baba' on Jingang Pagoda Commercial Street, with sesame and peanut fillings being the most popular.

Stone Forest Scenic Area

The Stone Forest World Geopark mainly features karst geological landforms, with a focus on stone forest landscapes. The park preserves and showcases the most diverse karst formations, with tall sword-shaped, columnar, mushroom-shaped, and tower-shaped limestone pillars being typical representatives of the Stone Forest. Additionally, there are caves, stalactites, erosion lakes, natural bridges, cliff waterfalls, and conical peaks. Almost all karst formations in the world are concentrated here, creating a panoramic view of karst geological landforms.

Dongchuan Red Land

Dongchuan Red Land is located in the northeast of Kunming City. Due to the high iron and aluminum content in the soil, it has formed dazzling colors. It is considered the most magnificent red land in the world, second only to Brazil. From a distance, it appears colorful and is a paradise for photography enthusiasts. The red land attractions are relatively scattered, forming three main sightseeing routes: the northwest line, the northeast line, and the south line. The most convenient way to explore is by chartering a car. The best time to visit the red land is from April to May when the wheat is ripe, from September to December when the rapeseed flowers are in full bloom, and from February to March when there is occasional residual snow in the fields.

Changchong Mountain Ecological Park

Changchong Mountain, also known as Snake Mountain, is mentioned in the long couplet at Kunming Daguan Tower: 'East gallops the divine steed, west soars the sacred phoenix, north winds the serpentine path, south flies the white crane' (referring to the four mountains around Dianchi Lake: Jinma Mountain, Biji Mountain—West Mountain, Changchong Mountain, and Baihe Mountain). The 'north winds the serpentine path' refers to Changchong Mountain. In ancient times, Changchong Mountain was located on the shore of Dianchi Lake, with the 500-mile-long Dianchi Lake right next to it. Changchong Mountain, resembling a winding long snake, lies to the north of Kunming. The 'Snake Mountain Reflection' in the ancient Eight Scenic Spots of Kunming occurred here.
Daguan Park is located on the north side of Dianchi Lake. It is a beautiful park with lush vegetation and elegant pavilions, featuring scenic areas such as Jinhua Pu and Daguan Tower, as well as Lou Wai Lou. The park is built by the water, with lake embankments, lotus ponds, and exquisite pavilions and towers, all arranged very elegantly. The Daguan Tower in the park was built during the Kangxi period and offers views of Xishan and Dianchi Lake. It was once known as one of the ten famous ancient towers. During festivals, the park often hosts garden parties and sometimes traditional lantern festivals, attracting a continuous stream of visitors and creating a lively atmosphere.

Jiuxiang Karst Caves

Located in Jiuxiang Yi and Hui Autonomous Township, Yiliang County, Yunnan Province. It is a scenic spot mainly featuring karst caves and is a national key scenic area. There is a widely known saying in Yunnan: 'See the Stone Forest above ground, explore Jiuxiang underground.' The beauty of Jiuxiang lies in its valleys. There are over a hundred large and small karst caves, earning it the nickname 'Hometown of Karst Caves.' Jiuxiang is known as the 'Hometown of Karst Caves,' boasting the largest, most numerous, and most diverse cave system in Yunnan Province, with a scenic area covering more than 200 square kilometers. Over 90 karst caves have been discovered, with new ones being continuously developed. The characteristics of Jiuxiang Karst Caves are grandeur, danger, uniqueness, and beauty.

Xishan Scenic Area

Xishan is located 15 kilometers west of Kunming City in Yunnan Province. It is composed of Huating Mountain, Taihua Mountain, Luohan Mountain, and others. The peaks stretch for more than 40 kilometers, with an altitude ranging from 1900 meters to 2350 meters. According to legend, a phoenix once rested here, but people did not recognize it and called it a green chicken, hence the name Biji Mountain. Due to its shape resembling a reclining Buddha, it is also called Reclining Buddha Mountain. Xishan is densely forested, with abundant flowers and plants, serene and beautiful, offering excellent scenery. In ancient times, it was praised as 'the best scenic spot in central Yunnan.'