That root pull, Breathtaking views at 5190 meters above sea level

Dangxiong County, Lhasa City, Tibet Autonomous Region
You can overlook Namucuo here


The Nagela Pass, located in the Damxung County of Tibet, is an essential route to reach Lake Namtso. At an altitude of 5190 meters, the pass serves as a passage to cross the Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains and reach Lake Namtso, and is also one of the passes above 5000 meters in altitude in the danger zone. Visitors can enjoy stunning views and use it as a rest stop. Upon reaching the pass, visitors can see altitude markers and colorful prayer flags hanging everywhere. Looking north, visitors can catch a glimpse of the beautiful Lake Namtso. If health permits, standing on the pass and gazing out may evoke strong emotions of grandeur and vastness.
Dangxiong County, Lhasa City, Tibet Autonomous Region
Opening hours
All day (All day) (January 1 to December 31, Monday to Sunday)
The must-pass location to get to Namtso Lake is usually by chartering a car or driving by yourself.