Sweet tea house near the Lhasa city center

Sweet tea is not the same as milk tea or butter tea. In Tibet, it has a history of nearly a century. Some nostalgic tea houses are also a reflection of the development of Lhasa city. This sun-kissed city, sitting leisurely under the mottled shade of trees, taking a few sips of sweet tea, can quickly blend into the lives of local residents.

Fourth-floor teahouse at the Langsai Antique City

Characteristics: Broad perspective. Lhasa is a city without tall buildings, and a tea house with four floors is considered a relatively tall building. Drinking sweet tea here is more about a state of mind. Nearby is the splendid roof of the Potala Palace, while in the distance is the majestic Jokhang Temple. Looking into the distance, almost a quarter of the city is visible.

Guangming Port Qiong Sweet Tea House

Features: Most representative of the local culture. Even before arriving in Tibet, you might have already heard recommendations about this unique sweet tea house. The majority of people who come here are local Tibetans. In the small house, you can hear people speaking in different languages, and with their consent, it is also a great place for capturing stunning documentary-style photographs.

Canggu Temple Sweet Tea House

Features: Quiet and adjacent to the only nunnery in the old city of Lhasa, the tea house of Canggu Temple is run by Canggu Temple. Despite the crowded tea houses, it remains quite peaceful here. One Zen, one tea is the specialty, and regardless of when you go, the observant nun in a yellow robe always has that familiar look.

Lao Ming Healthy Jelly Noodles

Features: Well-known among locals, delicious liangpi. This restaurant is famous among locals and is often crowded. Although known for their liangpi, their sweet tea, butter tea, yogurt, and Tibetan noodles are also delicious!

Chengguan District Snow Consumption Society Tea House

Feature: At the foot of Mount Hongshan, you can enjoy the Forbidden City while drinking tea. This tea house is located on the second floor of a two-story building between the Potala Palace and the White Stupa. It is mixed with handicraft shops, travel agencies, and photo printing shops. Naturally, it has a literary atmosphere. The mottled gray walls reflect that this is also a sweet tea shop with a sense of history.

Magi Ami

Characteristic: The most famous Tibetan restaurant in Tibet. From opening to closing, there are always people waiting in line. This well-known Tibetan-style restaurant in Lhasa is located at the corner of Barkhor Street, where you can have a panoramic view of the busiest street in Lhasa from the upstairs. Sweet tea is not their specialty, but you can also try the flavor of grilled lamb ribs and sautéed beef.