Gupo Mountain Tourist Area, A natural oxygen bar with stunning waterfalls

Guposhan Nature Reserve, Pinggui District, Babu District, Hezhou, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
There are many scenic areas with a lot of artificial features downhill


Mount Gupo is located at the southern end of Mengzuling, at the junction of three provinces, Guangxi, Guangdong, and Hunan. It is approximately 16 kilometers away from the downtown area of Hezhou and is an important tourist destination on the Hong Kong-Guangzhou-Guilin golden tourism route. The scenic area covers a total area of approximately 65 square kilometers, including 88 magical landscapes such as Cha Shoushi, Jubaopen, Xianren Zhilu, and Babuxianzong, and is known as the "Fairy Mountain of the Southern Region". The climate in the scenic area is pleasant, with a forest coverage rate of approximately 99.55% and a negative oxygen ion content of approximately 50,000 per cubic centimeter. The scenic area boasts high peaks, deep valleys, lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and rich flora and fauna, providing numerous outdoor expansion bases, film and television shooting locations, and leisure resorts and other tourism options. The park has dozens of peaks above one kilometer and more than 1,200 species of plants and 200 species of wildlife. The forest coverage rate is as high as approximately 99.55%, and the negative ion content is approximately 50,000 per cubic centimeter, providing an ideal natural environment for physical therapy. At the same time, the scenic area has nearly 100 waterfalls, known as the "China Forest Waterfall Wonderland". Mount Gupo is an ecological tourist destination that integrates sightseeing, leisure, vacation, exploration, scientific research, and conferences. People from all generations worship the goddess He Xiangu and regard this mountain as a cultural holy mountain, and there are more than 80 traces of her in the scenic area. The beautiful scenery and brilliant culture of the scenic area have already attracted numerous visitors and film and television crews, and many film and television dramas have been shot here, making Mount Gupo famous worldwide.
Guposhan Nature Reserve, Pinggui District, Babu District, Hezhou, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Opening hours
08:00-17:30 (all day)
Last entry at 17:20 (Monday-Sunday, June 1-August 31) 08:00-17:30 (all day)
Last entry at 17:20 (Monday-Sunday, December 1-February 28 of the following year)
Bus: Take bus route 16 to Gupo Mountain (bus stop) and walk to reach.