Guilin four-day deep self-drive route

2 cities | 7 attraction(s) | total distance 418 km
Guilin is one of the first national historical and cultural cities, as well as the earliest cultural and educational center in Guangxi's history. In 1201, the famous poet Wang Zhenggong composed the poem "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world". Guilin is known for its natural heritage site Guilin's landscape and its world irrigation heritage site Lingqu Canal. The Reed Flute Cave showcases the historical and cultural heritage of the Chinese nation's "thousands of years of wisdom" to the world.

Day1: Guilin

3 attraction(s) · 5 km
Xiangbi Mountain, originally named Lishan, is located at the confluence of Taohua River and Lijiang River within Guilin City in Guangxi Province. The mountain was named after its resemblance to an elephant standing by the river, drinking from the Lijiang River. It is considered a symbol of Guilin's landscape. Dongxi Alley is Guilin's historic and cultural district, which has witnessed the city's history and vicissitudes for nearly 1400 years since it was built during the Wude period of the Tang Dynasty. Dongxi Alley was once flourishing during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and was even known as the "Green Dragon and White Tiger" treasure land. It is now a city landmark in the "Guilin International Tourism Destination".
2 km

Day2: Guilin

1 attraction(s) · 0 km
Longsheng, situated in the Nanling Mountains, is one of the birthplaces of human cultivation of rice in the world. Primitive cultivars of glutinous rice were grown in this region 6,000 to 12,000 years ago. The terraced cultivation method had been established during the Qin and Han dynasties in Longsheng. During the Tang and Song dynasties, the terraced fields were extensively developed, and they reached their current scale during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Longsheng Terrace has a history of at least 2,300 years and is known as the origin of terraced fields in the world.

Day3: Guilin > Nanning

2 attraction(s) · 414 km
Upstream of the Li River is known as the Daxi River, while downstream is known by the traditional name of the Gui River. The Lingqu River marks the boundary between the Daxi and Li River sections, while the lipu River and Gongcheng River mark the boundary between the Li and Gui River sections. The Li River section is 164 kilometers long and the riverbed is mostly composed of gravel, with little silt and clear water quality. The surrounding landscape is dominated by karst topography on both sides of the river.
414 km

Day4: Guilin

1 attraction(s) · 0 km
Silver Cave is known as the "world karst wonder". Inside the cave, you can visit scenic spots such as Music Stone Screen, Guanghan Palace, and Snow Mountain Waterfall, which are known as the "three wonders", as well as Buddhist Scripture, Lone Column Supporting the Sky, and Mixed Yuan Pearl Umbrella, known as the "three treasures". Outside the cave, you can enjoy the beautiful rural landscape of Yangshuo.