World Dinosaur Valley, A Prehistoric Journey into the World of Dinosaurs

Lufeng County, Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China, Chuanjie Dinosaur Valley Scenic Area
Children are particularly fond of dinosaurs


The World Dinosaur Valley Scenic Area is a tourism area built around the world-class tyrannosaurus fossil burial site located within the "China Yunnan Lufeng Dinosaur National Geopark", according to the national AAAA tourism area standards. The scenic area focuses on science education and sightseeing entertainment, with the aim of becoming a top-tier domestically and internationally renowned science education tourism base and dinosaur culture theme park. It has a total investment of approximately 1.6 billion yuan, and is divided into two major areas: the "Dinosaur Fossil Site Scientific Expedition Tourist Area" and the "Jurassic World Tourist Area". Located on the "Kunming-Dali" Golden Tourist Line in the western suburbs of Kunming, it is one of the largest tourism scenic areas with world-class landscape resources in the area, and a new highlight of Yunnan tourism.
Lufeng County, Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China, Chuanjie Dinosaur Valley Scenic Area
Opening hours
09:30-18:00 (all day)
Last entry time: 18:00 (Monday-Sunday from January 1 to December 31)