Nan Ni River Sky Prairie, A High-Altitude Prairie Wonderland

83.5 kilometers along the Grassland Sky Road in Zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province


The Nanhe River Sky Grassland is a scenic spot on the grassland heaven road, belonging to one of the famous "hundred flower meadows" in Baili Batou. It is called "Sky Grassland" because it is located at an altitude of over 1600 meters and the primitive cold-resistant and drought-resistant vegetation is well preserved. In summer and autumn, the cool grassland climate and prosperous flowers make it dazzling. In winter, the grassland is covered with snow and ice, creating a magnificent and moving scenery.
83.5 kilometers along the Grassland Sky Road in Zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province
Nannihou Air Grassland is located on the Grassland Sky Road, approximately 86 kilometers from Huapiling after entering the Grassland Sky Road. (Upon arrival at the Sky Road, follow the directions indicated by the "Nannihou Air Grassland" signs to reach the destination.) Currently, most visitors to the Grassland Sky Road depart from Beijing by self-driving. If not, visitors need to first arrive at Zhangbei County and then charter a car for touring. ① Self-driving (Beijing-Grassland Sky Road): West entrance (recommended route): G6 Highway-Xuanhua-Zhangjiakou-Zhangshi Highway-Zhangbei South Toll Station exit-Yehuling-Grassland Sky Road West Entrance. East entrance: G6 Highway-Zhangjiakou-Zhangcheng Highway-Chongli-S242 Provincial Road-Huapiling-Grassland Sky Road East Entrance. ② Bus + charter: Bus: The buses from Beijing to Zhangbei depart from the Liuliqiao Bus Station and Yongdingmen Bus Station. Liuliqiao Bus Station departs at 6:10, 7:50, 8:00, 8:55, 16:00, and 16:40 with a total of six buses. Yongdingmen Bus Station departs at 8:00, 10:00, and 20:00 with a total of three buses. The ticket prices range from ¥87 to ¥100. Charter: After arriving in Zhangbei County, visitors can charter a car for touring, which costs approximately ¥400 per day for a small car. Generally, visitors charter the car for two days and tour the Luanhe Divine Rhyme in Guyuan County and the Lightning Lake Scenic Area. Note: There is no supply or restroom facilities along the way, so visitors should prepare beforehand.