Mount Fanjing, A Heavenly Retreat for Nature and Spirituality

Taiping Village, Heiwan River, Fanjing Mountain Scenic Area, near Hangrui Highway, Jiangkou County, Tongren City, Guizhou Province
The fog on the mountain is very, very thick


- Known for its rich wildlife and plant resources, Mount Fanjing is also called the "Pure Land of the God of Paradise" and is a popular summer resort and Buddhist pilgrimage site. - As the fifth largest Buddhist mountain in China, Mount Fanjing holds a significant position in the history of Buddhism, especially in terms of the Mahayana Buddhist doctrine of Maitreya. - Mount Fanjing's unique and pristine ecological environment has been well protected, and visitors can witness many rare species without any artificial landscape destruction. - The main peak of Mount Fanjing, "Mushroom Stone," is a famous attraction standing at about ten meters high, regarded as a witness of 1 billion years of history and an excellent photo spot.
Taiping Village, Heiwan River, Fanjing Mountain Scenic Area, near Hangrui Highway, Jiangkou County, Tongren City, Guizhou Province
Opening hours
08:00-15:00 (all day)
Last admission: 15:00 (Monday-Sunday, March 1st-October 12th) 09:00-18:00 (all day)
Last admission: 15:00 (Monday-Sunday, October 13th-February 28th of the following year) Tips: Admission does not include special exhibitions.
Changsha, Zhangjiajie, Changde, Jishou, and Fenghuang in Hunan have daily bus services to Tongren. During peak season, there are multiple buses departing from Tongren Bus North Station (200 meters in front of Tongren Railway Station) to Fanjing Mountain every day. During low season, travelers need to take a bus to Jiangkou County Bus Station first and then transfer to another bus to Fanjing Mountain.