Jade Buddha Garden, World's Largest Jade Buddha, Awe-Inspiring

58 Huahua Street, Tiedong District, Anshan City, Liaoning Province
The largest jade carving of a Buddhist statue


Yufo Temple Scenic Area, located in Anshan City, is one of the national AAAA-level tourist attractions, covering an area of 4.6 hectares, surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing water on one. The scenic area includes three cave-like mountain gates, Jade Belt Bridge, Lotus Pond, Fruit Island, and other attractions. Among them, the main building Yufo Pavilion is magnificent and splendid. The Guanyin Jade Buddha, weighing 260.76 tons, inside the palace presents a wonderful color of seven colors and delicate carvings. The Jade Buddha also received great acclaim for achieving the largest world Guinness record in 1997. Tourists can choose a taxi when arriving at Anshan City, with a starting price of 6 yuan/3 kilometers, and then charged at 2 yuan/kilometer; or take a bus, with about 40 bus routes in the city, most of which charge 1 yuan/person fare. After coming out of Anshan Railway Station, you can take a bus to Qianshan and Yufo Temple, or walk a few minutes to the bus stop in Tanggangzi area, and then get off at Tanggangzi Hospital Station to visit Yufo Temple Scenic Area. There are also multiple hotels and medical districts in the hospital area, providing convenient accommodation and medical services for tourists.
58 Huahua Street, Tiedong District, Anshan City, Liaoning Province
Opening hours
08:00-16:00 (all day)
Last entry time: 15:30 (Mon-Sun from Nov 1 to Mar 31) 08:00-17:00 (all day)
Last entry time: 16:30 (Mon-Sun from Apr 1 to Oct 31)