Gao Yi Ancient Village, A Time Capsule of Ancient Rural Charm

Gaoyi Gu Village, Gaoyi Gu Township, Huitong County, Hunan Province


Gao Yi Ancient Village is located 48 kilometers northeast of Huitong County, and is a relatively complete village of ancient folk architecture from the Ming and Qing dynasties. Experts praise it as "the first village in Jiangnan" and a "folk museum". In 2002, it was approved as a key cultural relic protection unit in Hunan Province, and in 2005, it was listed as the sixth batch of key cultural relic protection units in China and a famous historical and cultural village in the province. This ancient village has high tourism development value, currently preserving 104 ancient folk buildings, with a building area of 19,416 square meters, dating back to the period between the 13th year of Ming Hongwu to the 7th year of Qing Guangxu (1380-1881) for a continuous period of 500 years.
Gaoyi Gu Village, Gaoyi Gu Township, Huitong County, Hunan Province
Opening hours
All day (365 days a year, Monday-Sunday).