Saerhu Scenic and Historic Interest Area, A Natural Oxygen Bar with Diverse Landscapes

6 South Saerhu Road, Dongzhou District, Fushun City, Liaoning Province


The Sa'erhu Scenic Area is a magnificent and colorful landscape composed of vast waters, majestic mountains, dense forests, and rich historical relics. Its characteristics are fresh mountain scenery, clear water, ancient caves, and strange rocks, with both the elegant style of lakes and water towns and the majestic and secluded mountain landscape. As a natural scenic spot of mountains and waters in Liaodong region, Sa'erhu Scenic Area is known as the "scenic pearl" of Liaoning Province.
6 South Saerhu Road, Dongzhou District, Fushun City, Liaoning Province
Opening hours
08:30-17:00 (all day)
Last admission time: 16:20 (Mon-Sun from Mar 1 to May 31) 08:00-17:00 (all day)
Last admission time: 17:00 (Mon-Sun from Jun 1 to Aug 31) 08:30-16:00 (all day) (Mon-Sun from Dec 1 to Feb 28 of the following year)
Take the No. 604 bus branch line 2 to Banqiao Gou (bus stop), and walk about 1.2 kilometers to reach it.