Cave of Ten Thousand Buddhas, A Sanctuary of Ten Thousand Buddhas

Yungang Grottoes Scenic Area, Datong City, Shanxi Province
The Thousand-Buddha Cave is the most typical grotto of the Yungang Grottoes


Cave 15 is a unique Yungang Grottoes cave because of its smaller size and lack of large statues, but with orderly rows of thousands of Buddha statues carved on all four walls. It is considered one of the most typical Thousand Buddha Caves in the Yungang Grottoes, with a total of 8,900 small statues according to 1958 statistics, earning the nickname "Ten Thousand Buddha Cave". The theme of Thousand Buddha statues is a popular one in Buddhist cave art, usually depicted in orderly rows on entire cave walls, ceilings, doors, windows, and tower pillars.
Yungang Grottoes Scenic Area, Datong City, Shanxi Province
Opening hours
08:30-17:00 (full day)
Stop entering at 16:50 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31).