Mengalum Island, A secluded paradise with limited visitors

Mengalum Island, Sabah, Malaysia
At least it's the emerald sea and white sandy beach


Mengalum Island, located in the northwest sea of Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Sabah, Malaysia, is a beautiful little island occupying an area of 1000 acres. The island is 1.8 kilometers away from the nearest coastline and 4.5 kilometers at its widest. It is named as such because its shape resembles a ring, symbolizing the meaning of perfect and long-lasting love. Therefore, Mengalum Island has become a preferred destination for couples and newlyweds to vacation and travel.
Mengalum Island, Sabah, Malaysia
Take a speedboat directly from the Kota Kinabalu jetty, it takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes.