The 8 most popular Instagrammable hotels in Sabah

The following hotels are truly internet-famous and can make you never want to wake up! In fact, staying at different hotels is also a way of traveling. A stylish hotel can become an unforgettable memory~~

Gaya Island Resort

Sabah's favorite hotel without a doubt! This hotel is a refreshing change from the rest of Sabah's Kota Kinabalu, with a completely different style, an infinity pool, private beach for snorkeling, forest SPA, satisfying all your desires...The hotel maintains a high level of privacy, and non-guests are not allowed in. It is recommended to choose the Kinabalu Villa type, which has a huge balcony, facing the sea and is high up. It may be tiring to climb up but the view is unbeatable!

Cool Box Ice Cream Bar at Shangri-La's Tanjung Aru

This purple-red hotel in Sabah is a must-see for its breathtaking sunset view! Many people are drawn here at dusk, but non-guests must make a purchase to see the sunset. The sky is filled with spectacular, romantic, and beautiful orange clouds rolling like waves. This hotel is also perfect for a family vacation, as children can play and splash in the small swimming pool while the larger one provides a great background for taking beautiful pictures. The window curtain in the room can be opened to reveal an enchanting garden and sea view.

Kota kinabalu shangri-la salaya hot spring resort

Have you stayed at the most beautiful resort hotel in Kota Kinabalu? Shangri-La's Rasa Ria Resort is very large, located in a natural protected area with a beautiful mountain behind the hotel. The hotel has two wings, the Garden Wing and the Ocean Wing. The Ocean Wing is more expensive but has better and quieter surroundings, perfect for a holiday. The balcony has a circular sofa and a large double bathtub, and there is a free cocktail bar on the first floor where you can enjoy unlimited drinks in the afternoon, including Tiger and Carlsberg beer and carbonated drinks. The hotel also offers various types of baths, including flower baths, bubble baths, and milk baths, which can be reserved in advance. The Garden Wing has several restaurants offering Japanese, Western, and Malay cuisine, all of which are buffet-style. The Malay restaurant is highly recommended and very delicious.

Kota kinabalu saba beach suite villa hotel

Sabah Kota Kinabalu's 700+ invincible sea view villa hotel. The entire hotel is yours, just a few steps away from the sea! The spacious bedroom, living room, and well-equipped kitchen facilities allow you to take the hotel's free shuttle to the supermarket and cook your own food, ideal for families with children. The hotel is close to the beautiful and quiet coast, with beautiful sunsets, snorkeling, water parks, wind sails, private beaches, etc., which can be played all day long and are great value for money!

Kota kinabalu blue brunei hotel

Must strongly recommend this cost-effective five-star hotel, which is one of the most famous hotels in Sabah. Many celebrities love to stay here. It was the filming location of the TVB drama Rich and Famous. The most attractive feature is a 6-kilometer private beach, next to which is a sunset bar. Enjoying beautiful sunset while listening to music is very pleasant. The hotel has sea-view and garden-view rooms, and the Ocean Panorama room offers panoramic views. With 3335 acres of natural parkland, there are many reptiles such as geckos and lizards, as well as a children's playground. Being woken up by the knocking sound of little squirrels looking for food in the morning and giving them some small apples is super satisfying and cute! It is a very suitable hotel for family trips.

Kota kinabalu silk Magellan hotel

This hotel has a strong vacation feel! The hotel entrance is a longhouse-style lobby, a tribute to the indigenous Lotud people of Sabah. The estate-style layout has large rooms with Southeast Asian-style furniture, enjoying beautiful garden views. The famous Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park is just a few steps away from the hotel. The Tarik's lobby bar has spectacular sea views and overlooks the hotel's swimming pool, making it a great place to enjoy the sunset with delicious cocktails and relax.

Bunga Raya Island Resort

The hotel's guest rooms are all detached small wooden houses, with infinity pools, fitness centers, and spas! The hotel's natural environment is very distinctive, with large sandy beaches, exquisite wooden houses behind the trees, sailboats far out at sea, everything is so pleasant. The distribution of hotel rooms is based on the luxury level of the room type, from low to high, and all rooms are high-footed detached villas with good privacy. The suite we booked has a 2.4-meter-wide bed at the end of the plank road, which is very cool, and my favorite is the double washbasin. The entire resort is filled with strong Sabah style, with a very large area, one side is seawater, and the other side is primitive forest. You can take your children through the jungle and do rafting... There are shuttle buses that shuttle guests, and there are free drinks and beer in the refrigerator!

Sipadan-Kapalai Dive Resort

This is one of the famous hotels in Sabah, with all rooms being overwater villas since there is no island on top of Kapalai. It is said to be the reason for being fully booked in recent years, as you can really stare at the blue sea from day to night! Listening to the sound of the sea breeze, looking at the starry sky, and being with your loved ones, it is amazing! The hotel has 65 rooms, each facing different directions, some with sunrise views, and some with sunset views. Kapalai is peaceful and away from the hustle and bustle, beautiful and quiet, allowing you to bloom from the bottom of your heart. It is a worry-free place where you can face the sea from any corner you can think of.