Translate to English: Go diving in the Philippines, start here! All the best diving spots are here!

The Philippines has over 7,000 islands, making it a dream destination for avid divers. In addition to the renowned pristine beaches, the Philippine sea is also part of the Coral Triangle, which is the center of marine biodiversity. The Coral Triangle spans across other countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, etc. This region is home to 76% of all known coral species in the world, showcasing its diversity.

Tubbataha Reef

Tubbataha could be said as the best diving spot in the Philippines, located in a remote area resulting in its excellent conservation. While diving in Tubbataha, one can see 11 different species of sharks, 479 species of fish and large pelagic fish like trevally, batfish, tuna, and whale sharks. It also has the highest population density of whitetip reef sharks, making them commonly seen. The best time for diving is from mid-March to mid-June.

Subic Bay

Once the largest overseas naval base of the United States, it was opened to divers for recreation after the withdrawal of the US military in 1992. Several shipwrecks can be found at depths that can be dived, and the USS New York is often visited by divers. The double-barreled gun barrel of a large gun can be faintly seen when diving, making it a great place to experience history. Subic Bay is usually calm and peaceful, with excellent natural conditions. Due to its historical military elements, sunken ships and airplanes are must-see diving sites. The best diving time is from November to May the following year.


This area is the world's easiest place to swim with whales and sharks, where whales and sharks can be seen every day. It also has one of the world's top ten diving spots, the most primitive coral protection zone, and the opportunity to snorkel and interact with clownfish up close. DAUINBEACH is one of the beaches in Dumagete and is a well-known diving destination. The DuCoMiPier is the best diving spot in the area where whale sharks, turtles and groupers can be seen. The best time for diving is from November to May.

Boracay Island

Named as one of the top 10 beaches in the world, the emerald-colored water offers some of the best diving lessons in the world. Countless divers and non-divers flock to Boracay Island. There are more than 30 diving sites on the island, among which YAPAK, COROCODILE, CAMIA, FRIDAYS and LAUREL are the most famous, suitable for diving enthusiasts with OW and AOW qualifications and featuring manta rays, jackfish and sharks. Best diving time: all year round.


The discovery of thresher sharks has made this once simple tourist spot famous, and the varying shades of blue in the ocean depths have always been one of the main reasons people have been drawn to it. In Cebu, blue can come in over a hundred different shades. For those who love surfing and diving, conquering this blue is the ultimate joy! The small islands surrounding Cebu boast white sand beaches and numerous dive sites. Malapascua Island (also known as "Mama Pat") has more than 20 dive sites and is a diver's dream because of its warm tropical waters, incredible diversity and stunning scenery. The waters of Cebu are clear, surrounded by schools of fish, where you can see thresher sharks, devil fish, hammerhead sharks, and dolphins. Best time for diving: all year round.

Mint Island

Coral Island, a beach formed by broken coral washed by seawater, remains cool to the touch even under the scorching sun. Attractions on the island include ancient churches, a covenant monument, and the world's smallest primate, the Tarsius Monkey, in the forest area. The best time for diving is year-round, with the period from March to September being the optimal time.

Anilao Island

Anilao is considered to be a diving paradise and the birthplace of diving in the Philippines. Whether you prefer snorkeling or scuba diving, and whether you are a beginner or an experienced diver, you can find a suitable dive site here. Best time to dive: all year round.

The Cove

Formerly known as PUERTOGALERA, or PG Island, it is nicknamed Dolphin Bay due to frequent dolphin sightings. Its natural harbor has created diverse underwater ecology and terrain, making it a famous diving paradise in Asia. It has become the headquarters for many technical divers and is a preferred location for divers seeking certification. It is home to a rich underwater ecosystem and popular dive spots include Holeinthewall, Cayons, and the more challenging Fishbow, where dolphins, devil fish, and hammerhead sharks can be seen. The best diving season is from January to June and October to December.

Koln Island

In the famous diving spot list in the Philippines, CORON is the general name for this famous WWII shipwreck diving spot, but the more accurate name should be Coron Bay. If you are a shipwreck diving enthusiast, then you must not miss Coron Island. There are over 15 sunken ships to choose from, all of which were Japanese ships sunk by the US Air Force in 1942. However, most of the shipwrecks are located in dark bays, and the best visibility can be found in a 40-meter long submarine hunter in East Tangat. You can see shipwrecks, sea cows, and large schools of fish. The best diving time is from October to May the following year.