How to play in Kunming when taking children? Here are some places for your reference

Immerse yourself and your child in the embrace of Kunming, and let them use their vision, taste, smell, touch, and senses to delicately savor Kunming and fill their hearts with joy!

Green Lake

Once a bay in Dianchi Lake, it later became a clear lake due to the drop in water level. It is one of the most beautiful parks in the city, known as the 'Jade in the City'. The park is divided into five scenic areas by Ruan Dike and Tang Dike, and there are other attractions such as the Military Academy Hall to visit. Every winter, thousands of red-billed gulls from the north come to Green Lake to overwinter, frolicking in the water and competing for food, adding endless charm to the lake.
Also known as Yuantongshan Zoo, it is the park with the richest viewing content and the most visitors in Kunming city. The park houses rare animals such as Xishuangbanna wild cattle, Mengla tigers, peacocks, giant pandas, Siberian tigers, and red-crowned cranes. It also features cherry blossoms, crabapple flowers, plum blossoms, apricot flowers, orchids, as well as pine, cypress, and bamboo. The cherry blossoms are particularly worth seeing.

Feeding Seagulls at Daguan Park

Daguan Park is located on the north side of Dianchi Lake. It is a beautiful park with lush vegetation and elegant pavilions, featuring tourist areas such as Jinhua Pu and Daguan Tower, as well as Lou Wai Lou. The park is built along the water, with lake embankments, lotus ponds, and exquisite pavilions and towers, all arranged very elegantly. The Daguan Tower in the park was built during the Kangxi period and offers views of Xishan and Dianchi Lake. It was once known as one of the top ten famous ancient towers. During festivals, the park often hosts garden parties and sometimes traditional lantern festivals, attracting a continuous stream of visitors and creating a lively atmosphere.

Sunbathing at the Army Lecture Hall

The former site of the Yunnan Army Lecture Hall is located on Cuihu West Road in downtown Kunming, adjacent to Cuihu Park and Yunnan University. Visitors usually tour these three places together. The lecture hall was established in 1909 and was initially known as one of the three major lecture halls in the country. Many outstanding military and revolutionary figures, such as Zhu De and Ye Jianying, were once students here. The building of the former site is well-preserved and is an elegant yellow building in the style of the Republic of China. It looks very beautiful in photos when the sun is shining. The interior of the building is open as an exhibition hall, featuring the large classroom (auditorium), the armory, and long-term fixed exhibitions showcasing the history of the lecture hall, the 99 Uprising, and the National Protection Movement.

Collecting Maple Leaves at Kunming Botanical Garden

Kunming Botanical Garden, established in 1938, is a comprehensive botanical garden with distinct regional characteristics that integrates scientific research, science popularization, tourism, and teaching practice. It is the largest research base for subtropical plant diversity and germplasm resource conservation in Southwest China, and a center for the introduction and cultivation of plants such as camellias, magnolias, and begonias. There is a Sweetgum Avenue in Kunming Botanical Garden, lined with maple trees that have been planted for many years and have grown very tall.

Visit Golden Temple, Wu Sangui's Former Residence to Admire Camellias

The Golden Temple Park is named after its main hall, which is made of brass. Under the sunlight, it shines brightly, illuminating the verdant valley and serene forest with a golden glow. It is also known as the Copper Tile Temple. The renowned Golden Temple is part of the Taoist Taihe Palace, originally built in the Ming Dynasty (1602), and is one of the four great copper temples in China, preserved in the best condition. In the tenth year of Kangxi (1671 AD), Wu Sangui, the Prince of Pingxi, renovated it, adding to its long history. The Golden Temple boasts beautiful natural scenery, with paths winding through the forest, lush trees providing ample shade, and occasional bird songs, embodying the essence of Taoist culture. In early spring, the 'Golden Temple Exhibition Garden' in the scenic area sees hundreds of acres of camellias in full bloom, painting the sky with a stunning crimson, offering a breathtaking view.


Haigeng Park is located on the eastern shore of Dianchi Lake. It is a scenic park and a major viewing spot of Dianchi Lake. Haigeng refers to a long embankment that extends into Dianchi Lake, dividing it into two parts. Walking along the embankment to tour the lake is quite enjoyable. The park features lush green trees along the lake, complemented by orange-yellow pathways and various brightly colored sculptures, creating a fresh and beautiful environment. Every winter, Dianchi Lake becomes a paradise for black-headed gulls, making bird feeding and watching a popular activity in the park.