Malmöhus Castle, A Renaissance Gem with Diverse Museums

Malmöhusvägen 6, 211 18 Malmö, Sweden
The inside of the castle is the Malmo Museum


Malmö Castle is a Dutch Renaissance style castle built in the early 16th century, ordered to be restored and built by King Christian III of Denmark. For the first two hundred years, the castle was one of the palaces of the Danish royal family and was a bustling place for the nobility in the 16th century. After Malmö was merged into Sweden in 1658, the castle was transformed into a military fortress and has been used for military purposes by the Swedish royal family ever since. Today, Malmö Castle is the location of four museums in Malmö: the Malmö City Museum, the Malmö Art Museum, the Malmö Technology Museum, and the Malmö Natural Science Museum.
Malmöhusvägen 6, 211 18 Malmö, Sweden
Opening hours
Daily 10:00-17:00