Ulan Butong must-visit attractions

The meaning of Ulan Butong in Chinese is the Red Altar-shaped Mountain. It is a transitional zone between the Mongolian Plateau and the North China Plain. It was once the royal hunting ground of the Qing Dynasty, with numerous ancient relics and well-preserved ecological environment and simple folk customs. Next, I will introduce the most worthy places to visit in Ulan Butong!

General Paozi is located within the Shaheba area, with open water surfaces and surrounded by mountains. Every day around six o'clock, a large group of horses will gallop to the lakeside to drink water. When the horses enter the water, the splashes are very beautiful. As night falls, spend a night in a Mongolian yurt by the Paozi, sitting around the campfire, appreciating the melancholic sound of the horsehead fiddle and the majestic Mongolian long tune, creating a unique artistic conception.

Ulanbu Tuul Tourism Scenic Area - Princess Lake

Princess Lake is located more than 20 kilometers north of Hongshan Army Horse Farm in the north of Saihanba. In September of the lunar calendar, it is already winter on the plateau, with temperatures dropping to minus seven or eight degrees. There are no more flowers or green grass, and the leaves of the white birch trees have withered, making the grassland look desolate. However, Princess Lake remains beautiful, with a thousand charms in the morning light, intoxicating people. Legend has it that the name "Princess Lake" originated from Princess Lanqige, the third princess of Emperor Kangxi, who was forced to marry Galdan and passed through the Inner Mongolian grassland. Overwhelmed by sorrow, her tears turned into a lake, and the lake in Keerqin Banner became known as Princess Lake.

Frog dam

The Hama Dam is located within the territory of Keqi Ulan Buh Tumin at the border of Hebei and Inner Mongolia. It is a high and gentle slope with "gullies" or lowlands on three sides. The landscape here is unique with rolling hills and mountains, and the autumn scenery is magnificent and colorful with red leaves covering the mountains. In the eyes of photographers, this is a "treasure land" for photography, always offering new and endless opportunities.

Ulan Buh Smart Film and Television Base

Ulan Butong grassland is famous for the Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi's victory over Galdan. The beautiful scenery here includes vast grasslands, undulating mountains, winding rivers, dense forests, and historical battlefields like General Paozi. In the past decade, more than 60 films and TV dramas have been shot here, making Ulan Butong a renowned film and television shooting base known as the "Grassland Film City". Visitors often gather around the stone tablets, each representing a filmed production, to count and take photos as a souvenir.

Hongshan Army Horse Farm

Hongshan Military Horse Farm has beautiful scenery and unique landscapes. It is an important scenic area in Mulan Weichang and is renowned for its picturesque European-like beauty. In addition to the magnificent views, you can also enjoy horseback riding, explore ancient war remains on the grasslands, participate in joyful bonfire parties, and taste authentic whole roasted lamb.

Wucai Mountain

Wucai Mountain is one of the main attractions in the Ma Chang jurisdiction for viewing the autumn scenery of secondary forests. Originally called Yu Family Mountain, "Wucai" is a figurative term, and there are actually more than just five colors. From late September to early October each year, due to the effect of light frost, different tree species on the mountain show different colors due to their different cold resistance abilities. Wucai Mountain appears as if it is dressed up for a festival, with shades of green from pine trees, red from oak trees, purple from apricot trees, yellow from birch and poplar trees, and so on. It is truly a magnificent display of colors, with various shades of red, yellow, green, blue, purple, and more, making it a breathtaking sight.