No, I have not traveled to any of the six lesser-known scenic spots in Hunan while driving within the province

When it comes to tourism in Hunan, people often think of attractions such as Zhangjiajie, Fenghuang Ancient Town, Yuelu Mountain, Shaoshan, and Hengshan. These popular attractions attract many visitors throughout the year. However, more and more people are now preferring to visit lesser-known places with fewer crowds and beautiful scenery. Here are 6 hidden gems that are worth a visit. If you have been to 3 of them, you win!

Changsha Daweishan

Daweishan has an altitude of over 1000 meters and is a great place for summer leisure. In May each year, during the peak blooming season of alpine rhododendrons, the mountain is covered with various types of rhododendrons, creating a stunning and vibrant landscape. Besides the sea of rhododendrons, Daweishan also boasts a bamboo sea, with over 600 hectares of bamboo forest forming a vast ocean of bamboo. The bamboo embraces the mountain, the stones, and the streams, exuding a gentle charm that inspires endless imagination.

Xiangxi Wulong Mountain

Wulong Mountain Grand Canyon is located in Xiangxi, situated in a deep mountain canyon. It has not been overly developed or commercialized, and still retains its original natural appearance. The scenic area features unique mountains, valleys, waters, rocks, and caves. The Tujia culture and ethnic minority customs fully display the mysterious feeling of Xiangxi.

Chenzhou Gaoyiling

This is a rare Danxia landform scenic area that combines mountains, water, caves, springs, cliffs, and villages. The exposed sandstone along with some low vegetation gives a stunning impression. The deep pools are emerald green, and the ridges are winding. Standing at a high place at night, it looks like a turtle or a dolphin. Immersed in the tranquil and magnificent scenery, you will marvel at the craftsmanship of nature.

Shaoyang Baishuidong

Baishuidong is located in Xinshao County, Shaoyang. It is a 10-kilometer-long canyon. The scenic area is filled with wildflowers, flowing springs, waterfalls, beautiful peaks, and unique landscapes. The underground cave is mysterious and unfathomable, with high gorges and flat lakes blending together, creating a breathtaking scene. Baishuidong is relatively remote and has fewer tourists. It is not overly developed, and the hardware facilities within the scenic area need improvement.

Xiangxi Chadong Ancient Town

It gained some fame due to Shen Congwen's 'Border Town'. Chadong Ancient Town is very close to Huayuan County, with convenient access via the highway. The town is not crowded with tourists, and along the parallel old streets, neatly arranged buildings with unique regional styles give the feeling of truly entering the 'Border Town'.

Loudi Ziquejie Terraces

The terraced farming culture here has a history of over 2000 years. Although the terraces are not very famous, the scenery is extremely beautiful. Because the viewing platforms are far apart, driving here is more advantageous. You can visit all the viewing platforms in the morning light and appreciate the scenery from multiple angles. The locals are very concerned about the protection of the terraces and have always preserved the original farming methods. The terrace scenery showcases primitive beauty. When there is fog, the mountains, terraces, forests, and houses blend organically, creating a harmonious and beautiful scene.