Where can I buy specialty products in Changsha?

When visiting Changsha, it's inevitable to bring a gift of friendship for your relatives and friends. These local specialties are the most suitable choice! They are tasteful and can reflect the local characteristics.

Pozijie Street

Pozi Street is not only a favorite among tourists, but also a gathering place for local food lovers. It is a gathering place for Changsha cuisine, with unique flavors of various snacks.

Chinese Hunan Embroidery Museum

The museum displays numerous Hunan embroidery works and has a gift shop. The gift shop sells various items such as silk scarves and double-sided wall embroideries, with prices ranging from 20 yuan to millions of yuan.
You can easily buy hand-painted postcards in the small shops around Yuelu Academy. The "Lecture Hall" is the central location of Yuelu Academy, where teaching and important activities take place. Song Dynasty Neo-Confucian scholars once held lectures here. There are also many stone tablets in the academy, such as Tang Dynasty carved "Lushan Temple Stele" and Jiangxia engraved seal script; Ming Dynasty hand-written "Yuelu Academy" stone stele, "Chengzi Four Inscriptions" stone stele; imperial plaques "Study to Attain Nature" and "Correct Pulse of the Southern Way" (hanging in the main hall of the Lecture Hall).

Gaoqiao Tea and Tea Ware City

Xiangcha's tea products and tea quality are well-known both at home and abroad. Gaoqiao Tea and Tea Utensils City officially opened in June 2000. It is located at the south gate of Gaoqiao Wholesale Market, at the intersection of Changsha Avenue and Mawangdui Road. It has now been upgraded and developed into the largest tea and tea utensils market in the province, with the most comprehensive brands. It radiates to the central and southern regions and surrounding counties and cities, and is known as the "First City of Xiangcha Tea".