5 romantic things to do in Edinburgh:

The biggest charm of Edinburgh lies in its combination of rich history and cultural heritage. It possesses a classical allure reminiscent of England, making it the perfect place for couples to enjoy romantic moments together.

Romantic Moment No.1: Taking a stroll on the main street of the old town after nightfall is probably the most romantic moment in the world. As dusk approaches, the old town begins to quiet down, and the dim yellow streetlights start to light up one by one. The old rooftops glimmer under the light, resembling a scene from heaven on earth.
Romantic Thing No.2: Climb the Scott Monument in the early morning. If you have seen the movie 'Cloud Atlas', you might remember the scene where the characters meet: sitting high up with their feet dangling, watching the golden Edinburgh at sunrise. Yes, the filming location is on the monument.
Romantic Thing No.3: Go to Calton Hill, drink beer and watch the sunset. The hilltop observatory is a Greek-style temple. You can gaze at the sea, watch the sunset, and see the lights of Edinburgh gradually light up.
Romantic Thing No.4: Sunbathing in Princes Street Gardens. The side of the castle on the cliff is a fairyland that can only be found in fairy tales. Such a wonderful scene can only be captured on Princes Street. You can lie in the garden, sunbathe, and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

The Oxford Bar

Romantic Detail No.5: Listen to strangers' stories at The Oxford Bar. In the bar, all strangers interact and share their life stories with each other. It is said that Scottish writer Ian Rankin often visits here, and several characters in his books are based on the stories of these strangers.