5 social media-worthy experiences in Seville

How to be a social media star in Seville? Experience these five activities and you'll be sure to make it to the trending page on certain apps!

Plaza del Potro

In the morning, taking a carriage ride around Seville will pass through the so-called most beautiful "Spain Square", and its beauty is a 360-degree without angle beauty, no matter which direction you shoot, you can take a big picture.
The Seville Palace is one of the oldest royal palaces in Europe and was declared a World Heritage site in 1987. The palace was built in the Middle Ages and was originally a Moorish fortress. It later incorporated Islamic, Christian, and Gothic styles, showcasing the architectural style of Andalusia. The Pedro I Palace, the Carlos V Palace, and the Maiden Courtyard are all stunning examples of architecture not to be missed. The palace gardens, which combine Arab and Gothic styles, are also a highlight. The Dothraki Palace Gardens from the TV show "Game of Thrones" were filmed here.
In the afternoon, visit the Cathedral of Seville, where there are fewer people. The cathedral is as famous as St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican and St. Paul's Cathedral in London. After Christopher Columbus's remains were brought back to Spain, they were also buried here.

Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza

When in Spain, you must watch a bullfight. You can choose to visit the bullring in Seville to witness this traditional spectacle. It is one of the oldest bullrings in Spanish history and the place where Carmen was ultimately killed.

Museum of flamenco

I suggest everyone to watch a Flamenco performance tonight, after all, Seville is one of the birthplaces of Flamenco. Excellent Flamenco dancers are usually middle-aged men and women, and each dance tells their own life story.