In addition to the blue town and popular hotels, Morocco also has these fun attractions

Morocco quickly became popular due to its blue town and viral Raid hotels. However, this country of ice and fire offers many unique experiences: watching the sunset and the twinkling stars beneath the desert; witnessing street performers and tasting the delights of everyday life at an open-air market; exploring city corners in search of movie scenes.

Sahara Desert in the Sahara Desert

In the Sahara Desert at night, there is only the gentle whisper of the breeze and the twinkling stars in the dark sand dunes. Climbing up high sand dunes to look out at the endless horizon is the only way to truly understand the vastness of the Sahara Desert. Tip: You can choose to stay in a luxurious and comfortable tent and have a cozy dream in the desert.

Marrakech By Air Marrakech Hot Balloon in Marrakech

Marrakech has always been a destination for hot air balloon trips because the sky is clear, there are rarely any clouds and it doesn't often rain. Most importantly, riding a hot air balloon here will allow you to see the entire expanse of the Sahara Desert.

Souk Semmarin, Marrakech Open Market

The Souks of Marrakech, an open-air market in Marrakech, is the best place to experience North African culture. Colorful shoe shops, ethnic lighting stores, dazzling jewelry stores, dry food stores, grocery stores, decoration stores, flower shops, antique stores, handmade carpets, silk shops... Shopping enthusiasts would love to lose themselves in such a place.

Morocco Bath Hammam Mouassine

Turn off your phone, remove your clothes and step into the bath, the Moroccan bath begins: the service staff will take you to the steam room, where there is a large marble "bed". They will wet your body with warm water and apply savon beldi (a black soap made from olive oil) to your skin, wait for about 10 minutes for the skin to soften. Finally, the service staff will help you rub your entire body, removing old dead skin cells and leaving your skin smooth and soft.