One of the top ten most beautiful islands in Fujian Province, PuTian NanRi Island

The ancient name of Nanri Island is "Nanni Mountain," named so because the mountain hides in the vast sea. Nanri Island has a dumbbell-shaped terrain and is the third largest island in Fujian Province and the largest island in Putian City. It is located in the southeastern part of Putian City, at the intersection of Pinghai Bay and Xinghua Bay. Nanri Island is the main island of the Nanri Archipelago. In addition to the main island, there are other islands in the Nanri Archipelago, such as Xiaori, Aoshan, Dongxi Compass, as well as numerous unnamed and uninhabited islands surrounding it, like a string of dark pearls embedded in the blue sea.

Huangdi Mountain

'Huangdi Mountain' is located in Shipan Village, southwest of Nanri Island, about 3 kilometers from the government seat. It is the island's most charming golden beach. To the north, there are vast green forests; to the south, there are endless blue waves. The surrounding area is a blend of mountains and sea, with dense forests and beautiful scenery. The beach stretches for 2000 meters, with a depth of 300-500 meters. The beach is flat, the water is clear, the slope is gentle, the sand is soft, and the water is clean. It is an excellent non-renewable tourism resource, a natural seaside bathing place, and an ideal summer resort. Especially at sunset, the setting sun melts into gold, enveloping the entire beach in a golden afterglow, creating an indescribable beauty!

Golden Beach

Nari Island, with its enchanting natural scenery, has always been a place of admiration. The island preserves its pristine subtropical waters, numerous bays and fishing ports, rock caves, and golden beaches that are truly mesmerizing. Suggested scenic route: Dongdai Mountain - Dongdai Beach - Christian Church - Dongdai Pier - Jiuchong Mountain - Zhumu Mountain - Bijia Mountain - Donghu Beach - Wind Farm. Jiuchong Mountain is located in Gangnan Village, where you can overlook the sea view with wind turbines. Bijia Mountain is at the entrance of Jiuchong Mountain; take the right fork and drive straight up to enjoy the coastal scenery that combines green mountains, blue seas, and unique rocks. Turning left at the entrance leads to Donghu Beach, known as the natural bathing beach of Golden Beach. During low tide, the waves are surging, making it a perfect spot for swimming and cooling off. If you are unsure of the exact route, you can ask the local villagers. Pay special attention to this golden beach, as it is completely submerged during high tide and only visible during low tide.

Jiuchong Mountain

Jiuchong Mountain is the highest point on Nanri Island. It is named Jiuchong Mountain because within a 2-kilometer radius, nine mountains are continuously connected, layer upon layer. The Port South Village in the central part of Nanri Island has steep and rugged terrain that stretches for several miles, majestic and spectacular, resembling a giant dragon lying across the island. This area has been a strategic military location since ancient times. To this day, the mountain top still retains military facilities such as castles, watchtowers, water towers, and underground tunnels. Although called a high mountain, it is actually a series of small hills. Apart from an ancient statue of a subordinate of Qi Jiguang and an abandoned naval radar station, the mountain top is covered with rocks. However, it is the highest peak on Nanri Island and an excellent spot to overlook the entire island. The island is dotted with wind turbines, creating a beautiful landscape. There is a Jiuchong Mountain bus at the ferry terminal bus station, with a round trip taking about 20 minutes. There is no need to climb Jiuchong Mountain as cars can reach the top directly. Jiuchong Mountain has been selected as one of the best national tourist destinations!

Nanri Town

Nanri Island is rich in resources. It has a total coastline of 66.4 kilometers, 25 natural harbors, and 59,000 mu of shallow seawater within the 20-meter depth contour that can be developed and utilized. The island has 12,300 mu of reclaimed land and produces over 100 kinds of seafood, including abalone, grouper, lobster, eel, sea cucumber, crab, and red algae. The island also has 200 million cubic meters of granite and over 1,000 hectares of forest land. Nanri Island is rich in wind energy resources, with statistics showing that there are more than 300 days of level 4 wind per year, making it highly valuable for development. Therefore, this island is full of wind energy. It was originally an important production area for kelp and laver, with abundant and high-quality resources that can be used as feed for abalone.