What are the landforms in the Northwestern Yardang Landform? Devil's City cheats are on air

In the vast territory of the northwest, many "fortresses" rise from the ground, performing the "Seventy-two Changes" in the desert amidst strong winds and scorching sun. They are the mysterious "Devil's Cities".

The World's Only Water Yadan Landform - Qinghai Water Yadan

There are many Yadan landforms on land, but water Yadan is extremely rare. It is about 240 kilometers away from Dachaidan, about 50 kilometers past the Dongtai toll station, and about 2 kilometers beside National Highway 315. Duck Lake is a special feature in this unique landform, being the only Yadan landform on water in the world. Its formation is due to the rising water level of Lake Gineer, gradually submerging the northern edge of the Yadan group, creating a unique water Yadan. It is like a vast 'ocean' emerging out of nowhere in an endless desert. The Yadan Devil City stands on this 'ocean', magical and mysterious, with breathtaking scenery. Currently, very few people have visited, and sometimes you might be the only one in the entire Devil City, allowing you to enjoy it without any disturbance! If summarized in two words, it would be 'invincible'. Friends with cars must visit, and even those without cars should consider carpooling to experience it.

The Most Beautiful Yardang in China - Urho Ghost City

In Karamay, there is at least one month in a year when you have to deal with level 8 gales, and this Ghost City is located in an area more than 100 kilometers away from Karamay. It stretches about 5 kilometers and is also known as the World Ghost City. It has been rated as the most beautiful Yardang landform in China! Being ranked number one is not just an empty title~ Here, looking at the vast expanse of wind and sand, you can better appreciate the desolate beauty of the West. The wind-eroded landscapes and features easily evoke a sense of 'time is a butcher's knife.' Due to its unique scenery, some western-style films and TV shows such as 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' and 'Seven Swords' have been filmed here.

The Most Beautiful Yardang Sunset - Dunhuang Devil City

Lop Nur has always been synonymous with terror, known as the 'Sea of Death'. Dunhuang Devil City is part of the ancient Lop Nur, formed a very long time ago, covering an area of about 200 square kilometers. It can be considered a 'medium to large city' among 'Devil Cities'. Here, you will marvel at the craftsmanship of nature. Many world-famous buildings such as the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, the Potala Palace in Tibet, the Pyramids of Egypt, and the Sphinx are all present. There are sculptures of the Great Desert Lion, the Silk Road Camel Team, and fleets setting sail. Each eroded Yardang has its own story, so let your imagination run wild. Of course, the most beautiful sight is the sunset. Many people endure hardships to come here just to witness the visual feast of the vast desert and wait for a perfect sunset.

The Largest Yardang Landform Group in China - Nánbāxiān Ghost City

If you want to see Yardang landforms, you must visit Nánbāxiān, even though it is an uninhabited area! Even though the wind is strong here! Even though some say GPS might fail! But once you come here, you will be captivated by its primitiveness and vastness! The area is particularly large! Very large! The Yardang landforms here feel different from other Yardang ghost cities. Here, you will find numerous round hills, cold winds, desolation, and not a single human figure, resembling the Martian landscape.