Escape Earth and Land on Mars | The Most Beautiful Qinghai

Want to avoid crowds and have fun? Then you must read this hidden guide, featuring beautiful islands, cool summer retreats, and artistic trips. Not only is there plenty to eat, drink and play, but also not many people, and you can take photos that will go viral on your social media circle.


Tea Card Salt Lake is located in the northeast of the Qaidam Basin. If you drive on National Highway 215, you will find a straight road near Golmud City, which seems to float on the Chaka Salt Lake like a bridge. If it weren't for the four big characters of 'Ten Thousand Zhang Salt Bridge' coming towards you, you would think it was just an ordinary road, but in fact it is a 32-kilometer-long salt bridge, known as the 'Ten Thousand Zhang Salt Bridge' because it is equivalent to ten thousand zhang in length.

Alxa Desert

On the way to the Devil's City of Emei, there is an extremely realistic 'Mars Camp', which makes people feel as if they are on another planet, pretending to be on Mars, and some people may even believe it!

Aiken Spring "Demon's Eye"

In the depths of the grassland in Aksu, Xinjiang, there is a geothermal spring that has been gushing for thousands of years, even the birds are unwilling to approach, and it is also known as the 'Eye of the Devil' by people.

Devil's city of Russia

Formed 75 million years ago, the Yadan landform is said to have a total area of 21,500 square kilometers, making it the largest wind-eroded soil forest group discovered in China to date, and one of the largest and most typical Yadan landscapes in the world.

Dongtai Jinaier Lake

If God had shed countless tears on earth, then this drop must be a rare and beautiful sight in the world. The Dongtai Jilong Lake splits the lake surface in half: one half is blue and the other half is green, unique and beautiful.