Château d'Angers

2 Promenade du Bout du Monde 49100 Angers


The Château d'Angers is located in the Loire Valley region, in the center of Angers city. It is a huge medieval fortress with 17 towers. Built between 1228 and 1238, this fortress is a typical example of medieval architecture, with its appearance and function constantly changing over time. Inside the massive walls, you can see magnificent residences and climb the tower, Tour du Moulin, to enjoy a breathtaking garden view. The castle also houses the famous medieval tapestry known as the "Tenture de l'Apocalypse", depicting stories from the Book of Revelation. It is one of the oldest surviving tapestries, made in Paris between approximately 1373 and 1383. Inside the castle, there are two more tapestries in the King's Chamber: the "Tenture de la Passion" depicting the Passion of Christ, and the "Tapisseries mille-fleurs" showcasing a thousand flowers.
2 Promenade du Bout du Monde 49100 Angers
Opening hours
From May 2nd to September 4th, open from 9:30-18:30
from September 5th to April 30th of the following year, open from 10:00-17:30. Closed on January 1st, May 1st, November 1st, 11th, and December 25th.
After leaving the train station, follow Rue Marceau north and then turn right onto Boulevard du Général de Gaulle, where you will see the black brick walls of the Château d'Angers.