Meherangarh Fort, Majestic Fortress, Tales of Valor and Splendor

Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
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The Sun Castle was built in 1459 by Maharana Kumbha on a high cliff, with a yellowish appearance. The castle has seven gates, each with its own story. The castle suffered from a water shortage due to a curse from a mythical bird deity, and the king tried everything to remove it without success. Eventually, the king followed the advice of a priest and buried a living person in the foundation of the castle, and their descendants were taken care of by the royal family. Today, the castle still stands, and the legend continues to be passed down.
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
Opening hours
You can hike up from the foot of the mountain or take a tutu car (about a 10-minute climb from the right side).