Recommended Travel Guide for Nepal's Holi Festival

There are many festivals in Nepal, so many that you can almost encounter small and large festivals at any time of the year. According to incomplete statistics, Nepal has more than 300 festivals in a year, and the most popular of them is Holi, which takes place from February to March. People from all over the world gather here to participate in this crazy and colorful feast.

Kathmandu Durbar Square

If you want to experience the carnival of Holi in the liveliest place, you must go to Kathmandu Durbar Square, which is the main venue for Nepalese to celebrate Holi. During the Holi festival, Durbar Square becomes a joyful ocean full of water balloons, colors, and music. Not only do tourists from all over the world splash each other with colored powder, but local singers also take the stage to offer exciting performances. The colorful crowd dances to the music, waving their arms and throwing colorful powder, creating a stunning scene that is perfect for filming.

Temer District, Kathmandu

From Tahrir Square, continue exploring and arrive in the vibrant Thameel area, where international tourists gather. It is a great place to experience the festive atmosphere. Many tourists from all over the world gather here, with different skin colors and ethnicities. You can put on a T-shirt, shorts, and flip flops and join the crowd composed of local young people and international tourists to fully enjoy this lively festival and continue this colorful celebration.

Bocala lakeside main road

If you are visiting Pokhara, it is recommended to go to Lakeside's main street to participate in the Holi festival, which is the best place to join in Pokhara. During the Holi festival, Lakeside's main street becomes crowded and lively, with people dancing, throwing colored powder, and singing loudly on the street. The scene is like an ocean of colors, and it is impossible to see people's original appearance.