Jama masjid, A spiritual haven amidst Delhi's chaos

New Delhi, India Chandni Chowk, Meena Bazar, Jama Masjid zip code 110006
"You need to put on the robe provided by the temple."


Jama Masjid is located in the northeast corner of Old Delhi, directly opposite the Red Fort. It is one of the top ten mosques in the world. The mosque is vast and has three entrances, with the magnificent East Gate being particularly eye-catching. The central courtyard, paved with red sandstone, can accommodate over 20,000 worshippers. In the center of the courtyard is a rectangular pool for worshippers to cleanse themselves before prayer. The prayer hall, located to the west inside the mosque, faces Mecca and is flanked by a pair of minarets. Climbing to the top of the minarets offers a panoramic view of the entire Old Delhi area. Inside the mosque, you may have the opportunity to meet friendly and passionate Indians who can provide you with information about the mosque's history. It is recommended to visit Jama Masjid when you have enough time. Whether it's in the early morning or on a full moon night, there are different scenic views waiting for you to appreciate.
New Delhi, India Chandni Chowk, Meena Bazar, Jama Masjid zip code 110006
Opening hours
Prayer times are not open to tourists.
Take the yellow line of the metro and get off at Chawri Bazar station. Walk for about 1 kilometer or take a tuk-tuk/rickshaw to reach your destination.