Qutub Minar, A testament to victory and ancient artistry

Mehrauli, Ladha Sarai, Qutub Minar, New Delhi, India
Feels like the most worthwhile attraction to visit in Delhi


Qutub Minar, also known as the Victory Tower or Qutb Minar, is located about 15 kilometers south of Delhi. It is one of the "Seven Wonders of India" and represents the iconic architecture of Islam in India. It was included in the World Heritage List in 1993. The site includes the Qutub Minar, a mosque, an iron pillar, and an unfinished Alai Minar tower. The Qutub Minar stands at a height of 73 meters, making it the tallest ancient tower in India. It was built to celebrate a victorious war after the successful invasion of India by Central Asian Muslims. Arabic inscriptions from the Quran and exquisite floral patterns are engraved on the red sandstone and marble, showcasing a fusion of Hindu and Islamic cultural influences. However, visitors are no longer allowed to climb the tower. The mosque is one of the oldest Islamic mosques in India and was constructed using stone taken from the demolition of 20 nearby Hindu temples. It consists of an iron pillar courtyard, colonnades, and a prayer hall. The Alai Minar tower, on the other hand, remains unfinished. Whether you are familiar with Islamic culture or religion, the ancient and unique architectural style of the Qutub Minar site will not disappoint you.
Mehrauli, Ladha Sarai, Qutub Minar, New Delhi, India
Opening hours
Open everyday from sunrise to sunset.
Take the Yellow Line of the metro to Qutub Minar station, then walk 2 kilometers north or take a tuk-tuk/rickshaw.