Golden Temple, A Golden Marvel of Intricate Metalwork

Golden temple, To Jhyata pole, Itum Bahal, Patan Durbar Square, Lalitpur Municipality, Lalitpur, Bagmati, Central Development Region, 44700, Nepal
It is filled with golden Buddha statues and stupas


The Golden Temple is located north of Durbar Square and was built in the 12th century. It is famous for its gilded exterior and exquisite metal carvings. The entire main hall is coated in gold and decorated with intricate stone carvings. According to legend, this temple was built in the 12th century and each chief abbot, who was a boy under twelve years old, took turns serving for 30 days. To the north of the temple is the oldest Kumbeshwar temple in Patan.
Golden temple, To Jhyata pole, Itum Bahal, Patan Durbar Square, Lalitpur Municipality, Lalitpur, Bagmati, Central Development Region, 44700, Nepal