Phewa Tal / Phewa Lake, A serene escape into nature's embrace

Phewa Lake, Pokhara
The scenery is very beautiful and you can enjoy the sunrise and sunset here


Phewa Lake is a shining gem in Pokhara, known as the "Emerald in Pokhara". It is the most popular leisure resort in Pokhara and the essence of the lakeside area. Phewa Lake is loved by travelers from all over the world, and the nearby restaurants are very popular. The lake is clear, and on a clear day, it can reflect the magnificent view of the Annapurna snow mountains; at sunset, there is a chance to enjoy the beautiful view of the sun shining on the mountains. To experience the charm of nature, travelers can boat on the lake or relax in comfortable lakeside cafes, enjoying the beauty of the lake and mountains and savoring a leisurely time.
Phewa Lake, Pokhara
Opening hours
All day.