The Garden of Dreams, A serene oasis amidst Kathmandu's bustle

Tridevi Sadak, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
Surrounded by European architecture and beautiful gardens


Dream Garden is a six-season garden and a neo-classical palace built by the King of Kathmandu in 1920. Designed by Kishore Narshingh, the garden covers an area of 6895 square meters and features three pavilions, a circular theater, ponds, pergolas, and a memorial. However, the garden was gradually forgotten after the death of its patron, Kaiser Sumsher Rana, in the 1960s. It was not until recently, with the assistance of the Austrian government, that the garden was revitalized. Dream Garden features a organized and axial layout, although the planting is not completely symmetrical. The architectural style draws inspiration from various sources, including illuminated manuscripts and contemporary styles of the time, giving the garden a complex and futuristic character. Along the garden paths, a series of sunken gardens showcase different types and colors of flowers, while the central pond is meticulously designed and serves as a focal point of the entire garden. With the completion of restoration work, Dream Garden has undergone reconfiguration and refurbishment, incorporating more modern facilities. In the modernized Kathmandu, Dream Garden offers a vast and serene oasis in the city, continuing to be a popular tourist destination.
Tridevi Sadak, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
Opening hours
Walk 5-10 minutes from the Tamil area.