Chinese Folk Collection Museum

193 Yingbin East Road, Bazhou City, Langfang City, Hebei Province (opposite to the City Hall)


The Huaxia Folk Collection Museum is a non-profit organization located in the northeast corner of the city center of Wenan County, Langfang City, Hebei Province. It is one of the few outdoor folk art museums in China, with the primary function of collecting folk artworks and showcasing folk cultures. The museum covers an area of 100 mu and has a wide variety of collections, including traditional folk handicrafts such as ceramics, woodcarvings, wool weaving, paper-cutting, shadow puppets, and various forms of folk cultural relics, live performances, and folk cultural activities. The museum exhibits over 400 folk art masterpieces and over 300 pieces of intangible cultural heritage, many of which have been recognized as national or provincial-level intangible cultural heritage. Visitors to the museum can see exquisite folk handicrafts and experience the unique charm of traditional folk craftsmanship and cultural art. Additionally, the Huaxia Folk Collection Museum is also a platform for folk cultural exchange, hosting various characteristic folk cultural activities and exhibitions every year, inviting folk cultural artists and enthusiasts from all over to exchange and showcase their works. Of particular note, the museum has an "Art Gallery," which showcases a series of works by famous artists, allowing people to immerse themselves in the world of art and feel the charm of art. In conclusion, the Huaxia Folk Collection Museum is a museum with a rich folk cultural atmosphere, unique features, and artistic value. It is not only a cultural business card of Langfang City but also an important base for national folk cultural research and promotion, deeply loved and praised by tourists and art enthusiasts.
193 Yingbin East Road, Bazhou City, Langfang City, Hebei Province (opposite to the City Hall)