Sacrifice Cliff

Qiliping Village, 21st Group, Laojun Mountain Shedding Cliff Scenic Area, Luoyang City, Henan Province


Shaoshen Cliff in Luoyang is a famous scenic spot with significant historical significance in China, located on the Songshan Mountain in the south of Luoyang City, Henan Province. Legend has it that this was the place where the famous ancient Chinese Taoist master, Lushan Zhenren, once resided. Shaoshen Cliff is mainly divided into three parts: the top peak, middle peak, and lower peak. The middle peak is the most representative part of the entire scenic spot. A giant boulder with a radius of about 20 meters hangs on the cliff of the mountain peak, over 200 meters high, forming a magnificent geological wonder. It is said that after Lushan Zhenren's death, his disciples burned his body into spiritual bones, and then placed his remains on the Shaoshen Cliff as a way to commemorate his achievements and spirit. Although Shaoshen Cliff is located in a remote area, visitors can still enjoy a unique sightseeing trip. Before the tour, visitors need to walk along narrow and steep mountain roads, passing many twists and turns such as ancient roads, small bridges, and fork roads, experiencing different life and spiritual experiences. First, visitors need to climb up the uneven and bumpy iron ladder, and then challenge the steep climb over the mountain peaks and cliffs for about half an hour. The long journey is unexpected, but the view of Lion Peak, Jade Emperor Peak, and Fengshan Peak from the top of the scenic spot is refreshing and stunning. At Shaoshen Cliff, in addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery, there are also many fun activities. For example, the nearby Songshan Museum, which has a large collection of resources and exhibits related to Songshan's history, culture, and natural beauty, can allow visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the legends and characteristics of the mountain peak. In addition, many people will also buy some exquisite small souvenirs as mementos. The whole process requires strong physical strength and courage, but coming here can definitely let you learn more interesting legends and know the true face of Mt. Emei.
Qiliping Village, 21st Group, Laojun Mountain Shedding Cliff Scenic Area, Luoyang City, Henan Province