Shajiabang Revolutionary History Memorial Hall

Shajiabang Scenic Area, Shajiabang Town, Changshu City, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province


The Shajiabang Revolution Memorial Hall is a historical museum located in Wujiang District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China, built to commemorate the Battle of Shajiabang. This battle was a famous battle during the Chinese Liberation War and was an important decisive victory for the Communist Party of China. The battle unfolded from May 25 to June 1, 1949, in Shajiabang Village, a rural area of Wujiang District in Suzhou City. This siege-like battle was a fierce fight, but ultimately won by the Communist Party of China. This victory greatly changed the situation for both the enemy and the friendly forces, becoming an important turning point in the Chinese revolution and the most spectacular battle since the founding of the Communist Party of China. The heroic history of the Battle of Shajiabang has gradually become a shining star and a historical memory for the Chinese people. The exhibition halls of the memorial hall display a large number of photos, cultural relics, and artifacts, divided into six parts: battle process, headquarters, combat units, weapons and equipment, victory, and the establishment of people's democracy. It tells the heroic performance of the Liberation Army in the battle, the situation of the headquarters organization and command, and the history of the people's army. Various real records deepen people's understanding of this battle. The entire memorial hall has a quiet environment and a remote location that provides good protection for the exhibited items. The exhibition area is large and can accommodate a large number of visitors. The exhibited items are very rich, from the soldiers' personal uniforms to various weapons, equipment, and military supplies. Walking into these exhibits is like being on the battlefield and being filled with passion. The atmosphere is not only the time of history but also the tense historical relations between various roles. In this atmosphere, being present in history, there is an indescribable feeling. The purpose of the Shajiabang Revolution Memorial Hall is to use historical witnesses to bring people back to this important historical node, consciously pay tribute to the martyrs, and learn from history to embrace China's beautiful future. Therefore, this attraction not only promotes people's understanding of history and visiting exhibitions but also strengthens people's national identity and national pride through careful interpretation and guidance. As the old saying goes, "Shajiabang old dream revisited, memorial hall features interesting exhibits."
Shajiabang Scenic Area, Shajiabang Town, Changshu City, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province
Opening hours
8:00-16:00. The memorial hall closes every first Monday of the month.